Words in Contexts -- Fregean Elucidations Hans Rott The paper addresses the question: How do we come to understand word-words occurring in sentences, texts and utterances? Various writings of Frege are consulted in an attempt to give an answer to this question. I first suggest a way of conceiving how the Fregean principles of compositionality and context can be reconciled and in fact seen as working together in the enterprise of interpretation. Secondly, I try to show that another Fregean theme, that of elucidation-the elucidation of primitive, undefinable terms of logic, mathematics and metamathe-matics-secures a place for the context principle in the writings of the late Frege in which no explicit reference to this principle can be found. Elucidations provide a particular striking and important case for the thesis that small linguistic units get a meaning only through the interpretation of larger chunks of linguistic products. Thirdly, we see that when thinking about the way elucidations work, Frege is compelled to acknowledge a principle of charitable interpretation. I argue that there is an intimate connection between these three points, and that not only the first and the second, but also the third one is indeed a Fregean theme.