Mathematical Knowledge is Context Dependent Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller Abstract: In this paper we argued that contrary to first appearances, mathematical knowledge is not a fixed, context independent notion. Rather, we showed by appeal to mathematical practice that unless one disregards actual practice - which in our view would be just plain bad methodology - one is forced to admit that mathematical knowledge is context dependent. Many accounts of mathematical knowledge refer to the need to have available a proof. We concede that proof plays a crucial role in mathematics and in mathematical knowledge, but there is also mathematical knowledge without proof. Nor is proof a fixed notion: There are various forms of proof, and context determines which type of proof, if proof at all, is required. Furthermore, availability of proof is a modal notion that we suggested is best explained by reference to mathematical skills. What then of formal derivation? The concept of derivation and its universal acceptance as a formalization of the intuitive notion of proof is important for the foundations of mathematics, but contrary to folklore, it hardly plays any role in determining the truth of 'S knows that P' - Psst! - unless the context explicitly demands it. Keywords: Philosophy of Mathematics; Lewis