From 3-SAT to {2+p},{3}-SAT Mehmet Giritli Abstract: k-SAT is the very well studied restriction of the SAT problem which has attracted much attention due to its NP-complete complexity and close relation to many practical problems in Artificial Intelligence. Inherited from its parent, k-SAT is also NP-complete and many practical problems can be reduced to it efficiently (i.e. in polynomial time). In this text we introduce a class of problems, namely {2+p},{3}-SAT, obtained by restricting 3-SAT such that no variable occurs more than three times in an instance. We show that there is an efficient transformation which takes every 3-SAT instance to a {2+p},{3}-SAT instance. The motivation behind this work is strongly enhanced by our intuition that the more we restrict the problem, the easier it will get to reveal the underlying structure of SAT and in particular, of 3-SAT. Moreover, we investigate whether there is a gain obtained by transforming instances of 3-SAT to {2+p},{3}-SAT, in terms of computational cost for satisfiability checking. We later show that although random {2+p},{3}-SAT is distinctly easier than random 3-SAT, transformed instances are particularly harder than their originating 3-SAT instances.