Decidability of S2S Christian Kissig Abstract: Leibniz hoped for a calculus of truth in a universal sense. Godel showed with his Incompleteness Theorem that such a calculus can not exist. Godels result, however, left open which particular logics are (un)decidable. For instance, it was not until the 1970s that the undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem was shown. Besides decidability, researchers were interested in model checking properties of infinite structures using finite automata. In particular Elgot and Buchi pursued the question which properties can be expressed and verified by automata. In 1962, Elgot and Buchi showed that finite state deterministic automata and monadic second-order logic interpreted on finite words, which is the weak monadic second-order logic WS1S, are equally expressive. Buchi showed the same for the monadic second-order logic S1S of infinite words. Thereby he obtained an effective translation of formulas of S1S into non-deterministic word automata with Buchi acceptance condition. McNaughton generalised Buchi's method and obtained an effective translation of monadic second-order logic S2S of binary trees into finite automata. Using the connection between logics and automata exhibited by Buchi and McNaughton, Rabin proved the decidability of S2S by reducing the satisfiability problem to the non-emptiness problem for non-deterministic binary tree automata with Rabin acceptance condition, which was known to be effectively solvable. From this result follow immediately various decidability results such as for Presburger arithmetic, for the monadic second-order logic of trees with arbitrary ( but countable ) branching, and for the monadic second-order logic of countable linear orderings. The most important contribution, however, is seen in the application of automata theory to logic. The proof itself has since been considered hard to comprehend by many scholars, which lead to various improvements. In 1982, Gurevich and Harrington gave a reduction of S2S to non-deterministic automata with Muller acceptance condition. In 1995,Muller and Schupp refined the reduction. At the heart of their argument is the non-determinisation of alternating automata. Alternating automata are closer to classical logics with negation like S2S than non-deterministic automata. The behaviour of automata operating on infinite input is given in terms of acceptance games. For Rabin and Muller automata, these acceptance games are not historyfree, but bounded memory determined. In order to win a play of such an acceptance game the players need to have a bounded memory of the play. To quantify the memory needed, Gurevich and Harrington introduced the latest appearance record (LAR) which Muller and Schupp adapted as the index appearance record (IAR) for a complex memory framework. However, for parity automata, acceptance games are historyfree determined which follows from a result for parity graph games shown independently by Emerson and Jutla, and Mostowski. We elaborate on determinacy of parity graph games in Appendix B. For the proof that acceptance games for parity automata are historyfree determined we refer to the literature. Both infinite -words and -labelled binary trees are instances of coalgebras for the respective functors \Sigma × (-) taking objects X to \Sigma × X and \Sigma × ((-) × (-)) taking objects X to \Sigma × (X × X). Based on this observation, Venema introduced automata recognising general F-coalgebras for functors F preserving weak pullbacks. The class of alternating F-coalgebra automata has been shown to be closed under union, existential projection and non-determinisation. In this text we give a comprehensive proof of Rabin's Theorem majorly. In Chapter 2 we introduce monadic second-order logic S2S in a minimal representation and alternating automata. We prove the class of alternating binary tree automata closed under complementation in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4 we prove that alternating and non-deterministic binary tree automata are equally expressive by reducing the non-determinisation of alternating binary tree automata to the determinisation of non-deterministic word automata as shown by Safra. In Chapter 5 we define the translation of formulas of S2S into alternating binary tree automata. In Chapter 7 we give a game-theoretical solution to the non-emptiness problem for alternating binary tree automata Keywords: