LP-1995-10: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin and Veltman, Frank (1995) Coreference and Contextually Restricted Quantification. [Report]
LP-1994-13: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin and Veltman, Frank (1994) This Might Be It. [Report]
LP-1994-14: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin and Veltman, Frank (1994) Update Semantics for Modal Predicate Logic. [Report]
LP-1992-14: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1992) Interrogatives and Adverbs of Quantification. [Report]
LP-1992-07: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1992) A Note on Interrogatives and Adverbs of Quantification. [Report]
LP-1990-02: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1990) Dynamic Montague Grammar. [Report]
LP-1990-14: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1990) Two Theories of Dynamic Semantics. [Report]
X-1989-04: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1989) Dynamic Montague Grammar, a first sketch. [Report]
LP-1989-02: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1989) Dynamic Predicate Logic, towards a compositional, non-representational semantics of discourse. [Report]
LP-1988-08: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1988) Context and Information in Dynamic Semantics. [Report]
ITLI-1987-01: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Stokhof, Martin (1987) Type shifting Rules and the Semantics of Interrogation. [Report]