DS-2011-06: Effective Focused Retrieval by Exploiting Query Context and Document Structure

DS-2011-06: Kaptein, Rianne (2011) Effective Focused Retrieval by Exploiting Query Context and Document Structure. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

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The classic IR (Information Retrieval) model of the search process
consists of three elements: query, documents and search results. A
user looking to full an information need formulates a query usually
consisting of a small set of keywords summarising the information
need. The goal of an IR system is to retrieve documents containing
information which might be useful or relevant to the user. Throughout
the search process there is a loss of focus, because keyword queries
entered by users often do not suitably summarise their complex
information needs, and IR systems do not suciently interpret the
contents of documents, leading to result lists containing irrelevant
and redundant information. The main research objective of this thesis
is to exploit query context and document structure to provide for more
focused retrieval.

The short keyword query used as input to the retrieval system can be
supplemented with topic categories from structured Web resources such
as DMOZ and Wikipedia. Topic categories can be used as query context
to retrieve documents that are not only relevant to the query but also
belong to a relevant topic category. Category information is
especially useful for the task of entity ranking where the user is
searching for a certain type of entity such as companies or
persons. Category information can help to improve the search results
by promoting in the ranking pages belonging to relevant topic
categories, or categories similar to the relevant categories. By
following external links and searching for the retrieved Wikipedia
entities in a general Web collection, we can also exploit the
structure of Wikipedia to rank entities on the general Web. Wikipedia,
in contrast to the general Web, does not contain much redundant
information. This absence of redundant information can be exploited by
using Wikipedia as a pivot to search the general Web.

A typical query returns thousands or millions of documents, but
searchers hardly ever look beyond the rst result page. Since space on
the result page is limited, we can show only a few documents in the
result list. Word clouds can be used to summarise groups of documents
into a set of keywords which allows users to quickly get a grasp on
the underlying data. Instead of using user-assigned tags we generate
word clouds from the textual contents of documents themselves as well
as the anchor text of Web documents. Improvements over word clouds
that are created using simple term frequency counting include using a
parsimonious term weighting scheme, including bigrams and biasing the
word cloud towards the query. We nd that word clouds can to a certain
degree quickly convey the topic and relevance of a set of search

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Report Nr: DS-2011-06
Series Name: ILLC Dissertation (DS) Series
Year: 2011
Depositing User: Dr Marco Vervoort
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2022 15:16
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2022 15:16
URI: https://eprints.illc.uva.nl/id/eprint/2101

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