Items where Year is 2009

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Number of items: 84.


X-2009-02: Achourioti, Theodora and Andrade, Edgar and Staudacher, Marc (2009) Proceedings of the Graduate Philosophy Conference on Normativity, Amsterdam 2008. [Report]

PP-2009-29: Ahmet, Hamal and Mehmet, Terziler (2009) Peritopological Spaces and Bisimulations. [Report]

PP-2009-39: Airiau, Stéphane and Endriss, Ulle (2009) Iterated Majority Voting. [Report]

PP-2009-21: Apter, Arthur W. and Jackson, Stephen C. and Löwe, Benedikt (2009) Cofinality and Measurability of the First Three Uncountable Cardinals. [Report]


DS-2009-07: Balogh, Kata (2009) Theme with Variations. A Context-based Analysis of Focus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-06: Bax, Chantal (2009) Subjectivity after Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein's embodied and embedded subject and the debate about the death of man. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2009-08: Beek, Wouter (2009) Truth-Theoretic Contextualism: Dissolving the Minimalism/Contextualism Debate. [Report]

PP-2009-04: Blutner, Reinhard (2009) Concepts and Bounded Rationality: An Application of Niestegge's Approach to Conditional Quantum Probabilities. [Report]

PP-2009-02: Blutner, Reinhard (2009) Questions and Answers in an Orthoalgebraic Approach. [Report]

PP-2009-03: Blutner, Reinhard and Hochnadel, Elena (2009) Two Qubits for C.G. Jung's Theory of Personality. [Report]

PP-2009-01: Blutner, Reinhard and Strigin, Anatoli (2009) Bidirectional Grammar and Bidirectional Optimization. [Report]

DS-2009-13: Bold, Stefan (2009) Cardinals as Ultrapowers. A Canonical Measure Analysis under the Axiom of Determinacy. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-36: Bouveret, Sylvain and Endriss, Ulle and Lang, Jérôme (2009) Conditional Importance Networks: A Graphical Language for Representing Ordinal, Monotonic Preferences over Sets of Goods. [Report]

PP-2009-13: Brendle, Jörg and Löwe, Benedikt (2009) Eventually Different Functions and Inaccessible Cardinals. [Report]

MoL-2009-07: Brumwell, Chris (2009) A Dynamic Analysis of Epistemic Possibility. [Report]


PP-2009-35: Chevaleyre, Yann and Endriss, Ulle and Lang, Jérôme and Maudet, Nicolas (2009) Preference Handling in Combinatorial Domains: From AI to Social Choice. [Report]

PP-2009-12: Chevaleyre, Yann and Endriss, Ulle and Maudet, Nicolas (2009) Simple Negotiation Schemes for Agents with Simple Preferences: Sufficiency, Necessity and Maximality. [Report]

MoL-2009-03: Chiffi, Daniele (2009) Analysis of Knowledge, Assertion, Verification. [Report]

MoL-2009-11: Ciardelli, Ivano A. (2009) Inquisitive Semantics and Intermediate Logics. [Report]

MoL-2009-01: Crespo, María Inés (2009) Normativity and interaction: from ethics to semantics. [Report]


PP-2009-14: Dégremont, Cédric and Gierasimczuk, Nina (2009) Can doxastic agents learn? On the temporal structure of learning. [Report]

PP-2009-49: de Boer, Bart and Zuidema, Willem (2009) Models of Language Evolution: Does the Math Add Up? [Report]

DS-2009-10: de Jager, Tikitu (2009) "Now that you mention it, I wonder...": Awareness, Attention, Assumption. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2009-04: de Jonge, Daan Dirk (2009) Autistic Number Learning: What Autism Can Tell Us About the Acquisition of Number Concepts. [Report]


PP-2009-37: Endriss, Ulle and Pini, Maria Silvia and Rossi, Francesca and Venable, K. Brent (2009) Preference Aggregation over Restricted Ballot Languages: Sincerity and Strategy-Proofness. [Report]


DS-2009-02: Fitz, Hartmut (2009) Neural Syntax. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-11: Franke, Michael (2009) Signal to Act: Game Theory in Pragmatics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2009-14: Fulford, Lisa Maree (2009) A study of Canonicity for Bi-Implicative Algebras. [Report]


PP-2009-41: Gheerbrant, Amélie (2009) Complete Axiomatization of the Stutter-Invariant Fragment of the Linear-time mu-calculus. [Report]

PP-2009-26: Gheerbrant, Amélie and ten Cate, Balder (2009) Craig Interpolation for Linear Temporal Languages. [Report]

PP-2009-30: Gierasimczuk, Nina and Kurzen, Lena and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2009) Games for Learning - A Sabotage Approach. [Report]

PP-2009-11: Giovannucci, Andrea and Cerquides, Jesús and Endriss, Ulle and Rodríguez-Aguilar, Juan A. (2009) A Graphical Formalism for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions. [Report]

PP-2009-40: Grandi, Umberto and Endriss, Ulle (2009) First-Order Logic Formalisation of Arrow's Theorem. [Report]

MoL-2009-13: Grigoriadou, Olga (2009) A Momentary Lapse Of Reason. [Report]

PP-2009-05: Groenendijk, Jeroen (2009) Inquisitive Semantics: Two Possibilities for Disjunction. [Report]

PP-2009-18: Groenendijk, Jeroen and Roelofsen, Floris (2009) Inquisitive Semantics and Pragmatics. [Report]

PP-2009-27: Grossi, David and Gabbay, Dov and der Torre, Leendert van (2009) The Norm Implementation Problem in Normative Multi-Agent Systems. [Report]

PP-2009-24: Grossi, Davide (2009) Doing Argumentation Theory in Modal Logic. [Report]


MoL-2009-02: Hausen, Nicole R. (2009) Wittgenstein's Investigations and Damasio's Explanations: A Comparative Study of Emotion. [Report]

PP-2009-23: Honingh, Aline and Volk, Anja (2009) De Kracht van Wiskunde in Muziekonderzoek. [Report]

DS-2009-08: Hoshi, Tomohiro (2009) Epistemic Dynamics and Protocol Information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


PP-2009-25: Ikegami, Daisuke (2009) Forcing Absoluteness and Regularity Properties. [Report]

PP-2009-17: Ikegami, Daisuke and de Kloet, David and Löwe, Benedikt (2009) The Axiom of Real Blackwell Determinacy. [Report]


MoL-2009-06: Kovacsics, Pablo Cubides (2009) Decomposition Theorem for Abstract Elementary Classes. [Report]


DS-2009-09: Ladinig, Olivia (2009) Temporal expectations and their violations. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-15: Leal, Raul and Kupke, Clemens (2009) Of the Hennessy-Milner property and Other Demons. [Report]

PP-2009-16: Leal, Raul and Kurz, Alexander (2009) Equational Coalgebraic Logic. [Report]

X-2009-03: Löwe, Benedikt (2009) LSIR-2: Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning. [Report]

PP-2009-22: Löwe, Benedikt and Müller, Thomas (2009) Data and Phenomena in Conceptual Modelling. [Report]

PP-2009-33: Löwe, Benedikt and Pacuit, Eric and Saraf, Sanchit (2009) Identifying the structure of a narrative via an agent-based logic of preferences and beliefs: Formalizations of episodes from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. [Report]


PP-2009-38: Mancarella, Paolo and Terreni, Giacomo and Sadri, Fariba and Toni, Francesca and Endriss, Ulle (2009) The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Theory, Implementation and Experiments. [Report]

MoL-2009-18: Mascarenhas, Salvador (2009) Inquisitive Semantics and Logic. [Report]


MoL-2009-12: Oudheusden, Karel Van (2009) The Advent of Recursion \& Logic in Computer Science. [Report]


MoL-2009-09: Pauw, Simon (2009) A BiOT Account of Gricean Reasoning. [Report]


PP-2009-09: Ramezani, Sara and Endriss, Ulle (2009) Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation. [Report]


DS-2009-03: Semmes, Brian Thomas (2009) A Game for the Borel Functions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2009-15: Sietsma, Floor (2009) A Case Study in Formal Testing and an Algorithm for Automatic Test Case Generation with Symbolic Transition Systems. [Report]

MoL-2009-10: Spychalska, Maria (2009) Scalar Implicatures and Existential Import: Experimental Study on Quantifiers in Natural Language. [Report]

MoL-2009-05: Stamatis, Petros D. (2009) Going for a Walk on a Fine Summer's Day While a Sea-battle is Taking Place, or Concerning Future Contingents and Intentional Action. [Report]

DS-2009-01: Szymanik, Jakub (2009) Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-19: Szymanik, Jakub and Zajenkowski, Marcin (2009) Improving methodology of quantifier comprehension experiments. [Report]

PP-2009-46: Szymanik, Jakub and Zajenkowski, Marcin (2009) Quantifiers and Working Memory. [Report]

PP-2009-20: Szymanik, Jakub and Zajenkowski, Marcin (2009) Understanding Quantifiers in Language. [Report]


DS-2009-12: Uckelman, Joel (2009) More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Compact Preference Representation Over Combinatorial Domains. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-04: Uckelman, Sara L. (2009) Modalities in Medieval Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-10: Uckelman, Joel and Chevaleyre, Yann and Endriss, Ulle and Lang, Jérôme (2009) Representing Utility Functions via Weighted Goals. [Report]

PP-2009-28: Uckelman, Sara L. (2009) The reception of Saint Anselm's logic in the 20th and 21st centuries. [Report]

X-2009-04: Uckelman, Sara L. and van Ormondt, Peter and Gorisse, Marie-Hélène and Keiff, Laurent and Clerbout, Nicolas (2009) A Day of Indian Logic. [Report]


MoL-2009-17: Versteegh, Maarten (2009) iDOP: Iterated Data-Oriented Parsing as a Model for Diachronic Syntax. [Report]

X-2009-01: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Argumentation through the Lense of Artificial Intelligence. [Report]

PP-2009-08: van Benthem, Johan (2009) CRS and Guarded Logics, a fruitful contact. [Report]

PP-2009-44: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Categorial versus Modal Information Theory. [Report]

PP-2009-07: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Decisions, Actions, and Games: a logical perspective. [Report]

PP-2009-06: van Benthem, Johan (2009) The Great Art of Modeling. [Report]

PP-2009-47: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Horror Contradictionis. [Report]

PP-2009-48: van Benthem, Johan (2009) The Logic of Empirical Theories Revisited. [Report]

PP-2009-34: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the course of modal logic. [Report]

PP-2009-32: van Benthem, Johan and Minica, Stefan (2009) Toward a Dynamic Logic of Questions. [Report]

PP-2009-43: van Benthem, Johan and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2009) Inference, Promotion, and the Dynamics of Awareness. [Report]

MoL-2009-16: van Gool, Samuel Jacob (2009) Methods for Canonicity. [Report]


DS-2009-05: Witzel, Andreas (2009) Knowledge and Games: Theory and Implementation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-31: Wybraniec-Skardowska, Urszula (2009) Polish Logic, a few lines from a personal perspective. [Report]


PP-2009-45: Yu, Junhua (2009) Prehistoric Phenomena and Self-referentiality in Realization Procedure. [Report]


PP-2009-50: Zuidema, Willem (2009) A syllable frequency list for Dutch. [Report]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 00:30:10 2025 CET.