Items where Subject is "Language"

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Number of items at this level: 193.


DS-1995-19: Aarts, Erik (1995) Investigations in Logic, Language and Computation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-04: Abnar, Samira (2023) Inductive Biases for Learning Natural Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2021-09: Ahmed, Rasyan and Zuidema, Willem and Lentz, Tom (2021) Modelling EEG responses to spoken narration. [Pre-print] (Unpublished)

DS-2002-02: Aiello, Marco (2002) Spatial Reasoning: Theory and Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-16: Aina, Laura (2017) Not logical: A distributional semantic account of negated adjectives. [Report]

DS-2017-08: Alhama, Raquel Garrido (2017) Computational Modelling of Artificial Language Learning: Retention, Recognition & Recurrence. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2016-08: Alhama, Raquel G. and Scha, Remko and Zuidema, Willem (2016) Memorization of sequence-segments by humans and non-human animals: the Retention-Recognition Model. [Report]

PP-2016-09: Alhama, Raquel G. and Zuidema, Willem (2016) Generalization in Artificial Language Learning: Modelling the Propensity to Generalize. [Report]

DS-2001-01: Aloni, Maria (2001) Quantification under Conceptual Covers. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-05: Aloni, Maria and van Ormondt, Peter (2022) Modified numerals and split disjunction: the first-order case. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

DS-2025-04: Anttila, Aleksi (2025) Not Nothing: Nonemptiness in Team Semantics. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2000-05: Areces, Carlos (2000) Logic Engineering. The Case of Description and Hybrid Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-07: Aybüke Özgün (2017) Evidence in Epistemic Logic: A Topological Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


MoL-2017-30: Bacchin, Marco (2017) The perception of number: towards a topological approach. [Report]

DS-2009-07: Balogh, Kata (2009) Theme with Variations. A Context-based Analysis of Focus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2017-15: Baltag, Alexandru and Boddy, Rachel and Smets, Sonja (2017) Group Knowledge in Interrogative Epistemology. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-19: Baltag, Alexandru and van Benthem, Johan and Westerstähl, Dag (2020) Compositionality in Context. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2020-09: Bastings, Jasmijn (2020) A Tale of Two Sequences: Interpretable and Linguistically-Informed Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-12: Bentzen, Martin Mose (2010) Stit, Iit, and Deontic Logic for Action Types. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2019-02: Bergfeld, Jort (2019) Quantum logics for expressing and proving the correctness of quantum programs. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1995-14: Bod, Rens (1995) Enriching Linguistics with Statistics: Performance Models of Natural Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2008-23: Bod, Rens (2008) From Exemplar to Grammar: Integrating Analogy and Probability in Language Learning. [Report]

DS-2011-11: Borensztajn, Gideon (2011) The neural basis of structure in language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2007-40: Borensztajn, Gideon and Zuidema, Willem (2007) Bayesian Model Merging for Unsupervised Constituent Labeling and Grammar Induction. [Report]

DS-2018-06: Brochhagen, Thomas (2018) Signaling under Uncertainty. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2003-02: Brouwer, Elisabeth Catherine (2003) Imagining Metaphors: Cognitive Representation in Interpretation and Understanding. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1996-04: Bruggeman, Jeroen (1996) Formalizing Organizational Ecology. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2022-05: Bussière-Carae, Lwenn (2022) No means No! Speech Acts in Conflict. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


MoL-2023-29: Cao, Siyuan (2023) Wh-indefinites in Mandarin: The case of shenme (什么). [Report]

DS-2015-05: Carreiro, Facundo (2015) Fragments of Fixpoint Logics: Automata and Expressiveness. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2021-05: Chartier, Cian Guilfoyle (2021) A Pragmatic Defense of Logical Pluralism. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2025-03: Choenni, Rochelle (2025) Multilinguality and Multiculturalism: Towards more Effective and Inclusive Neural Language Models. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2016-01: Ciardelli, Ivano A. (2016) Questions in Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-04: Cinà, Giovanni (2017) Categories for the working modal logician. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2008-10: Counihan, Marian (2008) Looking for logic in all the wrong places: an investigation of language, literacy and logic in reasoning. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2015-01: Crespo, María Inés (2015) Affecting Meaning. Subjectivity and evaluativity in gradable adjectives. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2018-05: Daiber, Joachim (2018) Typologically Robust Statistical Machine Translation: Understanding and Exploiting Differences and Similarities Between Languages in Machine Translation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1998-05: Dastani, Mehdi (1998) Languages of Perception. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2024-03: De Cao, Nicola (2024) Entity Centric Neural Models for Natural Language Processing. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2024-07: Degano, Marco (2024) Indefinites and their values. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-11: Degano, Marco (2019) Meaning through Time: A Diachronic and Semantic Study of Italian Free Choice. [Report]

DS-2020-01: Dehghani, Mostafa (2020) Learning with Imperfect Supervision for Language Understanding. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2024-02: Dekker, Paul (2024) Conceptual Windows Afford Views on Satisfying Individuals. [Report]

X-2024-05: Dekker, Paul (2024) A Logic for Contextually Restricted Quantification. [Report]

DS-1993-01: Dekker, Paul (1993) Transsentential Meditations; Ups and downs in dynamic semantics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2022-06: Dekker, Paul (2022) Truth and Agreement. [Report]

MoL-2017-01: Dongen, Nina (2017) Analysis and Prediction of Dutch-English Code-switching in Dutch Social Media Messages. [Report]

DS-1998-04: d'Agostino, Giovanna (1998) Modal Logic and Non-Well-Founded Set Theory: Translation, Bisimulation, Interpolation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2016-06: de Buy Wenniger, Gideon Maillette (2016) Aligning the Foundations of Hierarchical Statistical Machine Translation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2001-03: de Haas, Erik (2001) Logics For OO Information Systems: a Semantic Study of Object Orientation from a Categorial Substructural Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1993-04: de Rijke, Maarten (1993) Extending Modal Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


PP-2005-25: Endriss, Ulle (2005) Temporal Logics for Representing Agent Communication Protocols. [Report]

DS-2002-03: Engelhardt, Yuri (2002) The Language of Graphics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2009-02: Fitz, Hartmut (2009) Neural Syntax. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2013-02: Fiutek, Virginie (2013) Playing with Knowledge and Belief. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-01: Flachs, Bo Lazlo (2023) Neglect-Zero Effects on Indicative Conditionals: Extending BSML and BiUS with an implication. [Report]

DS-2010-09: Fontaine, Gaëlle (2010) Modal Fixpoint Logic: Some Model Theoretic Questions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2000-07: Fortuin, Egbert L.J. (2000) Polysemy or monosemy: Interpretation of the imperative and the dative-infinitive construction in Russian. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-11: Franke, Michael (2009) Signal to Act: Game Theory in Pragmatics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


MoL-2023-08: Gaasbeek, Anne Marleen (2023) Polar Questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) and Dutch. [Report]

DS-2012-06: Gakis, Dimitris (2012) Contextual Metaphilosophy - The Case of Wittgenstein. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2019-04: Galeotti, Lorenzo (2019) The theory of the generalised real numbers and other topics in logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1999-01: Gerbrandy, Jelle (1999) Bisimulations on Planet Kripke. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-08: Gheerbrant, Amélie (2010) Fixed-Point Logics on Trees. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-41: Gheerbrant, Amélie (2009) Complete Axiomatization of the Stutter-Invariant Fragment of the Linear-time mu-calculus. [Report]

DS-2010-11: Gierasimczuk, Nina (2010) Knowing One's Limits. Logical Analysis of Inductive Inference. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2006-52: Gierasimczuk, Nina (2006) The Problem of Learning the Semantics of Quantifiers. [Report]

DS-2008-04: Girard, Patrick (2008) Modal Logic for Belief and Preference Change. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-10: Giulianelli, Mario (2023) Neural Models of Language Use: Studies of Language Comprehension and Production in Context. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-21: Goossens, Frank J.A. (2024) Formalizing the FLINT Ontology: Building an action-oriented formal language for the interpretation of normative texts. [Report]

DS-2012-08: Grandi, Umberto (2012) Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2020-14: Grilletti, Gianluca (2020) Questions & Quantification: A study of first order inquisitive logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2003-03: Heguiabehere, Juan (2003) Building Logic Toolboxes. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1993-05: Hendriks, Herman (1993) Studied Flexibility. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-34: Henk, Verkuyl (2023) On the Compositional Nature of the Aspects. Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht.

MoL-2020-07: Hill, Angelica M. (2020) The Only Thesis. [Report]

MoL-2018-30: Hoeks, Morwenna (2018) Coordinating Questions. [Report]

DS-2001-05: Hoogland, Eva (2001) Definability and Interpolation: Model-theoretic investigations. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2020-14: Hoogstra, Brandon Ryan (2020) From Cross-World Predication to Cross-World Travel: Building a Bridge between Worlds. [Report]

DS-2021-10: Hornischer, Levin (2021) Dynamical Systems via Domains: Toward a Unified Foundation of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Computation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1994-10: Huang, Zhisheng (1994) Logics for Agents with Bounded Rationality. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2020-06: Hupkes, Dieuwke (2020) Hierarchy and interpretability in neural models of language processing. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


HDS-10: Janssen, Theo (2014) Foundations and applications of Montague grammar. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-12: Jaramillo, Mateo C. (2021) Epistemic Logics for Cryptographic Protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proofs. [Report]

DS-2024-13: Jumelet, Jaap (2024) Finding Structure in Language Models. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.


DS-1994-08: Kanazawa, Makoto (1994) Learnable Classes of Categorial Grammars. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2014-01: Keestra, Machiel (2014) Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2011-05: Keskinen, Lauri (2011) Characterizing All Models in Infinite Cardinalities. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2006-22: Kieftenbeld, Vincent (2006) Notions of Strong Compactness without the Axiom of Choice. [Report]

DS-2020-10: Kochari, Arnold (2020) Perceiving and communicating magnitudes: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-05: Kontinen, Jarmo (2010) Coherence and Complexity in Fragments of Dependence Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1994-02: Koorn, Jan Willem Cornelis (1994) Generating Uniform User-Interfaces for Interactive Programming Environments. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-25: Kortenbach, Bas (2021) The Classicality of Epistemic Multilateral Logic. [Report]

HDS-31: Krabbe, Erik C.W. (2019) Studies in Dialogical Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2006-03: Kupke, Clemens (2006) Finitary coalgebraic logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2011-10: Kurzen, Lena (2011) Complexity in Interaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2011-09: Leal, Raul Andres (2011) Modalities Through the Looking Glass: A study on coalgebraic modal logic and their applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2006-01: Lee, Troy (2006) Kolmogorov complexity and formula size lower bounds. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2024-01: Leo, Joop (2024) Reconciling positionalism and antipositionalism. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2021-13: Li, Dazhu (2021) Formal Threads in the Social Fabric: Studies in the Logical Dynamics of Multi-Agent Interaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-08: Li, Lei (2023) Games, Boards and Play: A Logical Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2008-02: Liu, Fenrong (2008) Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2012-03: Lotero, Edgar José Andrade (2012) Models of Language: Towards a practice-based account of information in natural language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2016-05: Lê, Phong (2016) Learning Vector Representations for Sentences - The Recursive Deep Learning Approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2006-33: Löwe, Benedikt and Pacuit, Eric (2006) An abstract approach to reasoning about games with mistaken and changing beliefs. [Report]


DS-1999-03: Maat, Jaap (1999) Philosophical Languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2015-02: Madsen, Mathias Winther (2015) The Kid, the Clerk, and the Gambler - Critical Studies in Statistics and Cognitive Science. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2016-04: Marti, Johannes (2016) Interpreting Linguistic Behavior with Possible World Models. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2005-03: Mastop, Rosja (2005) What can you do? Imperative mood in Semantic Theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-05: McHugh, Dean (2023) Causation and Modality: Models and Meanings. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2016-38: McWhirter, Sarah and Szymanik, Jakub (2016) Constructing Semantic Automata for Quantifier Iterations. [Report]

MoL-2018-06: Metzler, Heidi (2018) Algorithmic Complexity in Textile Patterns. [Report]

DS-2012-10: Meyers, Jeremy (2012) Locations, Bodies, and Sets: A model theoretic investigation into nominalistic mereologies. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-19: Michelli, Gianluca (2023) Intentions behind metaphor use. [Report]

DS-2022-06: Mojet, Emma (2022) Observing Disciplines: Data Practices In and Between Disciplines in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

PP-2006-40: Mostowski, Marcin and Szymanik, Jakub (2006) Semantical bounds for everyday language. [Report]

DS-2012-02: Mylonakis, Markos (2012) Learning the Latent Structure of Translation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-19: Möller Kalpak, Hana (2018) Inquisitive Logical Triviality and Grammar. [Report]


DS-2008-08: Nauze, Fabrice (2008) Modality in Typological Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2004-06: Nguyen, Thuy Linh (2004) Rank Consistent Estimation: The DOP Case. [Report]


DS-2001-10: Pauly, Marc (2001) Logic for Social Software. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2013-01: Pauw, Simon (2013) Size Matters: Grounding Quantifiers in Spatial Perception. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-11: Pinton, Lorenzo (2021) You may like or dislike this thesis, and I do care which. An inquiry into sluicing and free choice. [Report]

MoL-2019-19: Posdijk, Wouter (2019) The influence of the simplicity/informativeness trade-off on the sematic typology of quantifiers. [Report]


DS-2022-03: Ramotowska, Sonia (2022) Quantifying quantifier representations: Experimental studies, computational modeling, and individual differences. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-28: Repplinger, Michael (2017) Understanding Generalization: Learning Quantifiers and Negation with Neural Tensor Networks. [Report]

DS-2014-04: Rodenhäuser, Ben (2014) A Matter of Trust: Dynamic Attitudes in Epistemic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2020-07: Sandoval, Ana Lucia Vargas (2020) On the Path to the Truth: Logical & Computational Aspects of Learning. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2006-08: Sarenac, Darko (2006) Products of Topological Modal Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2021-08: Schlichtkrull, Michael Sejr (2021) Incorporating Structure into Neural Models for Language Processing. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2018-07: Schlöder, Julian (2018) Assertion and Rejection. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-21: Schmitt, Marvin (2018) CRISP: a semantics for focus-sensitive particles in questions. [Report]

MoL-2016-20: Schoonen, Tom (2016) Thinking the Impossible Arguments for Impossible Worlds in Semantics. [Report]

DS-2020-08: Schulz, Philip (2020) Latent Variable Models for Machine Translation and How to Learn Them. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2007-05: Seginer, Yoav (2007) Learning Syntactic Structure. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-03: Semmes, Brian Thomas (2009) A Game for the Borel Functions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-28: Sequeira, Nigel (2016) Knowing How To Do Semantics. [Report]

DS-1999-02: Sima'an, Khalil (1999) Learning efficient disambiguation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2015-04: Sourabh, Sumit (2015) Correspondence and Canonicity in Non-Classical Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-14: Spaan, Edith (2016) Complexity of Modal Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-04: Spencer-Piacentini, Fiona (2024) Wondering about Mood in Romance: the view from Italian inquisitive predicates. [Report]

DS-2017-09: Stanojević, Miloš (2017) Permutation Forests for Modeling Word Order in Machine Translation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-07: Staudacher, Marc (2010) Use theories of meaning between conventions and social norms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1997-05: Stein, Harry (1997) The Fiber and the Fabric: An Inquiry into Wittgenstein's Views on Rule-Following and Linguistic Normativity. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-05: Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane Noah (2017) Communication and Computation: New Questions About Compositionality. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2009-01: Szymanik, Jakub (2009) Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2008-49: Szymanik, Jakub and Zajenkowski, Marcin (2008) Comprehension of Simple Quantifiers. Empirical Evaluation of a Computational Model. [Report]

PP-2009-20: Szymanik, Jakub and Zajenkowski, Marcin (2009) Understanding Quantifiers in Language. [Report]


DS-2024-04: Takmaz, Ece (2024) Visual and Linguistic Processes in Deep Neural Networks: A Cognitive Perspective. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-09: Talmina, Natalia (2017) Quantifiers and verification strategies: connecting the dots (literally). [Report]

MoL-2017-05: Terzopoulou, Zoi (2017) Manipulating the Manipulators: Richer Models of Strategic Behavior in Judgment Aggregation. [Report]

DS-1995-05: Tip, Frank (1995) Generation of Program Analysis Tools. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1995-15: Trautwein, Marten (1995) Computational Pitfalls in Tractable Grammatical Formalisms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2020-11: Tredici, Marco Del (2020) Linguistic Variation in Online Communities: A Computational Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-01: Tsarfaty, Reut (2010) Relational-Realizational Parsing. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2005-01: ten Cate, Balder David (2005) Model theory for extended modal languages. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2009-12: Uckelman, Joel (2009) More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Compact Preference Representation Over Combinatorial Domains. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2007-31: Uckelman, Sara (2007) Anselm's Logic of Agency. [Report]

DS-2021-09: Uemura, Taichi (2021) Abstract and Concrete Type Theories. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2000-03: Vervoort, Marco (2000) Games, Walks and Grammars: Problems I've Worked On. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-09: Vitányi, Paul (2014) Lindenmayer Systems: Structure, Languages, and Growth Functions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2021-10: van Benthem, Johan and Icard, Thomas (2021) Interfacing Logic and Counting. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2011-32: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Dynamic Logic in Natural Language. [Report]

PP-2008-02: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Games that Make Sense: logic, language, and interaction. [Report]

PP-2015-03: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Natural Language and Logic of Agency. [Report]

PP-2012-24: van Benthem, Johan (2012) Non-Standard Reasoning, Revisited. [Report]

PP-2021-02: van Benthem, Johan (2021) Relational Patterns, Partiality, and Set Lifting in Modal Semantics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2017-24: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Working with Jan in Four Movements. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-14: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2020) New Logical Perspectives on Monotonicity. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-07: van Benthem, Johan and Westerstähl, Dag (2019) Generalized Quantifiers Meet Modal Neighborhood Semantics. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2016-07: van Cranenburgh, Andreas (2016) Rich Statistical Parsing and Literary Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1994-05: van Deursen, Arie (1994) Executable Language Definitions, Case Studies and Origin Tracking Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2000-06: van Ditmarsch, Hans (2000) Knowledge Games. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-35: van Rooy, Robert (2023) Attitudes and Changing Contexts. Doctoral thesis, University of Stuttgart.

DS-2000-04: van Ulsen, Paul (2000) E.W. Beth als logicus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1995-06: van Wamel, Jos (1995) Verification Techniques for Elementary Data Types and Retransmission Protocols. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-1995-04: Wang, Dejuan (1995) Study on the Formal Semantics of Pictures. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-06: Wang, Yanjing (2010) Epistemic Modelling and Protocol Dynamics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-07: Wang, Yiyan (2023) Collective Agency: From Philosophical and Logical Perspectives. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-02: Weijland, Elynn Louise (2024) An Analysis of Visual and Morphosyntactic Cues in Biased Polar Questions in Dutch. [Report]

DS-2017-03: Westera, Matthijs (2017) Exhaustivity and intonation: a unified theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-21: Wildenburg, Franciscus Cornelis Lambertus (2023) Investigations into Semantic Underspecification in Language Models. [Report]

DS-2009-05: Witzel, Andreas (2009) Knowledge and Games: Theory and Implementation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2023-06: Yan, Jialiang (2023) Monotonicity in Intensional Contexts: Weakening and Pragmatic Effects under Modals and Attitudes. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-1994-06: Zambella, Domenico (1994) Chapters on Bounded Arithmetic and on Provability Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2011-04: Zhang, Junte (2011) System Evaluation of Archival Description and Access. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-13: Zhao, Zhuoye (2019) Varieties of Distributivity: From Mandarin Dou to Plurality, Free Choice and Scalarity. [Report]

DS-2015-03: Zhong, Shengyang (2015) Orthogonality and Quantum Geometry: Towards a Relational Reconstruction of Quantum Theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2012-13: Zuidema, Willem (2012) Language in Nature: on the evolutionary roots of a cultural phenomenon. [Report]

PP-2008-56: Zuidema, Willem and de Boer, Bart (2008) Evolutionary Explanations for Natural Language - Criteria from Evolutionary Biology. [Report]

DS-2010-02: Zvesper, Jonathan (2010) Playing with Information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


PP-2022-01: Özgün, Aybüke and Schoonen, Tom (2022) The Logical Development of Pretense Imagination. [Pre-print]

MoL-2013-13: Özgün, Aybüke (2013) Topological Models for Belief and Belief Revision. [Report]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 00:30:11 2025 CET.