Items where Subject is "Logic"

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Number of items at this level: 851.


DS-1995-19: Aarts, Erik (1995) Investigations in Logic, Language and Computation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2008-27: Abramsky, Samson and Väänänen, Jouko (2008) From IF to BI, A Tale of Dependence and Separation. [Report]

PP-2023-05: Adam-Day, Sam and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Gabelaia, David and Marra, Vincenzo (2023) The intermediate logic of convex polyhedra. [Pre-print]

MoL-2019-08: Adam-Day, Sam (2019) Polyhedral Completeness in Intermediate and Modal Logics. [Report]

PP-2020-22: Adam-Day, Sam and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Gabelaia, David and Marra, Vincenzo (2020) The nerve criterion and polyhedral completeness of intermediate logics. [Pre-print]

MoL-2021-10: Ade, Leyla (2021) Iterative Goal-Based Voting. [Report]

PP-2023-08: Afshari, Bahareh and Enqvist, Sebastian and Leigh, Graham E. (2023) Herbrand Schemes for Cyclic Proofs. [Pre-print]

PP-2023-07: Afshari, Bahareh and Enqvist, Sebastian and Leigh, Graham E. (2023) Herbrand Schemes for First-order Logic. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2023-03: Afshari, Bahareh and Enqvist, Sebastian and Leigh, Graham E. and Marti, Johannes and Venema, Yde (2023) Proof Systems for Two-way Modal mu-Calculus. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2024-03: Afshari, Bahareh and Grotenhuis, Lide and Leigh, Graham E. and Zenger, Lukas (2024) Intuitionistic Master Modality. [Pre-print]

PP-2009-29: Ahmet, Hamal and Mehmet, Terziler (2009) Peritopological Spaces and Bisimulations. [Report]

DS-2002-02: Aiello, Marco (2002) Spatial Reasoning: Theory and Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2001-18: Aiello, M. and van Benthem, J. and Bezhanishvili, G. (2001) Reasoning About Space: The Modal Way. [Report]

PP-2001-23: Aiello, Marco and van Benthem, Johan (2001) A Modal Walk Through Space. [Report]

MoL-2017-16: Aina, Laura (2017) Not logical: A distributional semantic account of negated adjectives. [Report]

PP-2017-12: Airiau, Stéphane and Bonzon, Elise and Endriss, Ulle and Maudet, Nicolas and Rossit, Julien (2017) Rationalisation of Profiles of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks: Characterisation and Complexity. [Pre-print]

DS-2017-08: Alhama, Raquel Garrido (2017) Computational Modelling of Artificial Language Learning: Retention, Recognition & Recurrence. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1997-04: Aliseda-LLera, Atocha (1997) Seeking Explanations: Abduction in Logic, Philosophy of Science and Artificial Intelligence. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2024-09: Allerstorfer, Rene (2024) Position-based Quantum Cryptography: From Theory towards Practice. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

PP-2023-06: Almeida, Rodrigo N. (2023) Π2 -Rule Systems and Inductive Classes of Gödel Algebras. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2022-19: Almeida, Rodrigo Nicolau (2022) Polyatomic Logics and Generalised Blok-Esakia Theory with Applications to Orthologic and KTB. [Report]

DS-2001-01: Aloni, Maria (2001) Quantification under Conceptual Covers. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-05: Aloni, Maria and van Ormondt, Peter (2022) Modified numerals and split disjunction: the first-order case. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2024-10: Alvarez, David Quinn (2024) The temporal Heyting calculus. [Report]

PP-2015-04: Andréka, Hajnal and van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Németi, István (2015) Changing a Semantics: Opportunism or Courage? [Report]

PP-2016-26: Andréka, Hajnal and van Benthem, Johan and Németi, István (2016) On a New Semantics for First-Order Predicate Logic. [Report]

DS-2025-04: Anttila, Aleksi (2025) Not Nothing: Nonemptiness in Team Semantics. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-03: Anttila, Aleksi (2021) The Logic of Free Choice Axiomatizations of State-based Modal Logics. [Report]

DS-2000-05: Areces, Carlos (2000) Logic Engineering. The Case of Description and Hybrid Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2001-19: Areces, C. and Blackburn, P. and Marx, M. (2001) Repairing the Interpolation Theorem in Quantified Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2002-15: Areces, Carlos and Heguiabehere, Juan (2002) HyLoRes: A Hybrid Logic Prover Based on Direct Resolution. [Report]

PP-2002-16: Areces, Carlos and de Nivelle, Hans and de Rijke, Maarten (2002) Resolution in Modal, Description and Hybrid Logic. [Report]

PP-2002-14: Areces, Carlos and de Rijke, Maarten and Infante-Lopez, Gabriel (2002) Decomposing Modal Logic. [Report]

MoL-2022-11: Arteche Echeverría, Noel (2022) Parameterized Compilability. [Report]

PP-2016-28: Aucher, Guillaume and and Davide Grossi, Johan van Benthem (2016) Modal Logics of Sabotage Revisited. [Report]

DS-2017-07: Aybüke Özgün (2017) Evidence in Epistemic Logic: A Topological Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


MoL-2017-30: Bacchin, Marco (2017) The perception of number: towards a topological approach. [Report]

PP-2007-11: Bader, Sebastian and Hitzler, Pascal and Hölldobler, Steffen and Witzel, Andreas (2007) A Fully Connectionist Model Generator for Covered. [Report]

MoL-2016-07: Badura, Christopher (2016) Truth in Fiction via Non-Standard Belief Revision. [Report]

DS-2009-07: Balogh, Kata (2009) Theme with Variations. A Context-based Analysis of Focus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-06: Baltag, Alexandru and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Fernandez Duque, David (2022) The Topology of Surprise. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-08: Baltag, Alexandru and Smets, Sonja (2020) Learning What Others Know. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-14: Baltag, Alexandru and Özgün, Aybüke and Vargas, Ana Lucia (2019) Arbitrary Public Announcement Logic with Memory. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-07: Baltag, Alexandru and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Fernandez Duque, David (2021) The topological mu-calculus: completeness and decidability. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-08: Baltag, Alexandru and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Fernández González, Saúl (2019) The McKinsey-Tarski Theorem for Topological Evidence Logics. [Pre-print]

PP-2016-21: Baltag, Alexandru and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Smets, Sonja (2016) Justified Belief and the Topology of Evidence. [Report]

PP-2015-18: Baltag, Alexandru and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Smets, Sonja (2015) The topological theory of belief. [Report]

PP-2017-15: Baltag, Alexandru and Boddy, Rachel and Smets, Sonja (2017) Group Knowledge in Interrogative Epistemology. [Pre-print]

PP-2015-22: Baltag, Alexandru and Christoff, Zoé and Rendsvig, Rasmus K. and Smets, Sonja (2015) Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Diffusion and Prediction in Social Networks. [Report]

X-2016-02: Baltag, Alexandru and Ciná, Giovanni (2016) Bisimulation for conditional modalities. [Report]

PP-2015-13: Baltag, Alexandru and Gierasimczuk, Nina and Smets, Sonja (2015) On the Solvability of Inductive Problems: A Study in Epistemic Topology. [Report]

PP-2020-06: Baltag, Alexandru and van Benthem, Johan (2020) A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2019-02: Baltag, Alexandru and van Benthem, Johan (2019) Some Thoughts on the Logic of Imprecise Observation. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-19: Baltag, Alexandru and van Benthem, Johan and Westerstähl, Dag (2020) Compositionality in Context. [Pre-print] (In Press)

MoL-2023-16: Bardal, Tuva Vigen (2023) Size Approval Voting Rules. [Report] (Unpublished)

HDS-37: Barendregt, Henk (2023) Some extensional term models for combinatory logics and Lambda-Calculi. Doctoral thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.

DS-2014-03: Bastiaanse, Harald A. (2014) Very, Many, Small, Penguins. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2013-13: Bastiaanse, Harald and Veltman, Frank (2013) Making the Right Exceptions. [Report]

MoL-2024-08: Becker, Justus (2024) Proof Translations for Intuitionistic Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2005-16: Beklemishev, Lev D. and Joosten, Joost J. and Vervoort, Marco (2005) A finitary treatment of the closed fragment of Japaridze's provability logic. [Report]

MoL-2019-20: Belardinelli, Gaia (2019) Gatekeepers in Social Networks: Logics for Communicative Actions. [Report]

MoL-2016-16: Bellomo, Anna (2016) Theories of size for infinite collections. [Report]

MoL-2020-04: Benjamins, Thijs (2020) Locally finite varieties of Heyting algebras of width 2. [Pre-print]

MoL-2017-11: Benossi, Lisa (2017) Pretending to work: a closed world reasoning formalisation of pretend play. [Report]

DS-2010-12: Bentzen, Martin Mose (2010) Stit, Iit, and Deontic Logic for Action Types. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2019-02: Bergfeld, Jort (2019) Quantum logics for expressing and proving the correctness of quantum programs. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-28: Bethke, Ingemarie (2018) Notes on Partial Combinatory Algebras. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2023-04: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Moraschini, Tommaso (2023) Degrees of the finite model property: The antidichotomy theorem. [Pre-print]

DS-2006-02: Bezhanishvili, Nick (2006) Lattices of intermediate and cylindric modal logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-07: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Cleani, Antonio M. (2022) Translational embeddings via stable canonical rules. [Pre-print]

PP-2022-04: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Martins, Miguel and Moraschini, Tommaso (2022) Bi-intermediate logics of trees and co-trees. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-12: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick (2020) Jankov formulas and axiomatization techniques for intermediate logics. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-04: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Carai, Luca and Gabelaia, David and Ghilardi, Silvio and Jibladze, Mamuka (2020) Diego's theorem for nuclear implicative semilattices. [Pre-print]

PP-2014-08: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Iemhoff, Rosalie (2014) Stable canonical rules. [Report]

PP-2015-08: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Ilin, Julia (2015) Cofinal stable logics. [Report]

PP-2016-11: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Ilin, Julia (2016) Stable modal logics. [Report]

PP-2016-36: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Ilin, Julia (2016) Subframization and stabilization for superintuitionistic logics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2020-02: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2020) Characterizing existence of a measurable cardinal via modal logic. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-05: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2020) The McKinsey-Tarski theorem for locally compact ordered spaces. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-14: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2017) On modal logics arising from scattered locally compact Hausdorff spaces. [Pre-print]

PP-2015-15: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2015) S4.3 and hereditarily extremally disconnected spaces. [Report]

PP-2016-19: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2016) Topological and logical explorations of Krull dimension. [Report]

PP-2016-37: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2016) Tychonoff HED-spaces and Zemanian extensions of S4.3. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-13: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Lucero-Bryan, Joel and van Mill, Jan (2017) A new proof of the McKinsey-Tarski Theorem. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-05: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Moraschini, Tommaso and Stronkowski, Michal (2021) Profiniteness and representability of spectra of Heyting algebras. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-06: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Santoli, Thomas and Venema, Yde (2017) A simple propositional calculus for compact Hausdorff spaces. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-06: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Groot, Jim (2021) A coalgebraic approach to dualities for neighbourhood frames. [Pre-print]

PP-2008-11: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Jongh, Dick (2008) The Kuznetsov-Gerciu and Rieger-Nishimura Logics: The Boundaries of the Finite Model Property. [Report]

PP-2002-06: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Gehrke, Mai (2002) A New Proof of Completeness of S4 with respect to the Real Line. [Report]

PP-2017-19: Bezhanishvili, Guram and Harding, John and Ilin, Julia and Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2017) MacNeille transferability and stable classes of Heyting algebras. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2006-08: Bezhanishvili, Guram and van Benthem, Johan (2006) Modal Logics of Space. [Report]

PP-2018-09: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Colacito, Almudena and de Jongh, Dick (2018) A Study of Subminimal Logics of Negation and their Modal Companions. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2014-02: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Coumans, Dion and van Gool, Sam and de Jongh, Dick (2014) Duality and universal models for the meet-implication fragment of IPC. [Report]

PP-2020-08: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian and de Groot, Jim (2020) Duality for instantial neighbourhood logic via coalgebra. [Pre-print]

PP-2015-16: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Galatos, Nick and Spada, Luca (2015) Canonical formulas for k-potent commutative, integral residuated lattices. [Report]

PP-2015-21: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Ghilardi, Silvio and Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2015) One-step Heyting algebras and hypersequent calculi with the bounded proof property. [Report]

PP-2020-10: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Grilletti, Gianluca and Quadrellaro, Davide Emilio (2020) An Algebraic Approach to Inquisitive and DNA-Logics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2020-11: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Henke, Tim (2020) A model-theoretic approach to descriptive general frames: the van Benthem characterisation theorem. [Pre-print]

PP-2018-13: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Holliday, Wesley H. (2018) Choice-free Stone duality. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-03: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Marra, Vincenzo and McNeill, Daniel and Pedrini, Andrea (2017) Tarski's theorem on intuitionistic logic, for polyhedra. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-03: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Moraschini, Tommaso (2020) Hereditarily structurally complete intermediate logics: Citkin's theorem via Esakia duality. [Pre-print]

PP-2015-09: Bezhanishvili, Nick and Sourabh, Sumit (2015) Sahlqvist preservation for topological fixed-point logic. [Report]

PP-2019-09: Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Groot, Jim and Venema, Yde (2019) Coalgebraic geometric logic. [Pre-print]

PP-2011-34: Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Jongh, Dick (2011) Extendible formulas in two variables in intuitionistic logic. [Report]

PP-2014-19: Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Jongh, Dick (2014) Stable formulas in intuitionistic logic. [Report]

PP-2016-20: Bezhanishvili, Nick and de Jongh, Dick and Tzimoulis, Apostolos and Zhao, Zhiguang (2016) Universal models for the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic. [Report]

PP-2004-06: Bezhanishvili, Nick and ten Cate, Balder (2004) Transfer results for hybrid logic -- Part I: the case without satisfaction operators. [Report]

MoL-2017-14: Biziou-Van Pol, Laura (2017) Quantum Dialogues. [Report]

PP-2001-17: Blackburn, P. and Kamps, J. and Marx, M. (2001) Situation Calculus as Hybrid Logic: First Steps. [Report]

PP-2002-12: Blackburn, Patrick and Marx, Maarten (2002) Constructive Interpolation in Hybrid Logic. [Report]

PP-2003-10: Blackburn, Patrick and Marx, Maarten (2003) Tableaux for Quantified Hybrid Logic. [Report]

MoL-2015-31: Blando, Francesca Zaffora (2015) From von Mises' Impossibility of a Gambling System to Probabilistic Martingales. [Report]

PP-2006-20: Bod, Rens (2006) Towards a General Model of Applying Science. [Report]

PP-2020-15: Boixel, Arthur and Endriss, Ulle (2020) Automated Justification of Collective Decisions via Constraint Solving. [Pre-print]

DS-2021-02: Booij, Elbert J. (2021) The Things Before Us: On What it Is to Be an Object. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-08: Botan, Sirin (2016) Propositional Opinion Diffusion with Constraints. [Report]

PP-2020-16: Botan, Sirin and Endriss, Ulle (2020) Majority-Strategyproofness in Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print]

DS-2016-03: Bouwer, Fleur Leonie (2016) What do we need to hear a beat? The influence of attention, musical abilities, and accents on the perception of metrical rhythm. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-18: Brehm, Martijn (2023) Quantifying quantum walk speed-ups. [Report]

MoL-2014-17: Brinkhorst, Sanne (2014) On Evolution of Compositionality. [Report]

DS-2022-04: Brokkelkamp, Ruben (2022) How Close Does It Get? From Near-Optimal Network Algorithms to Suboptimal Equilibrium Outcomes. Doctoral thesis, ILLC.

MoL-2023-27: Bronner, Elias (2023) Unrestricted Fusion and Unrestricted Quantification: Mereological Essentialism and the Universe. [Report]

DS-1996-04: Bruggeman, Jeroen (1996) Formalizing Organizational Ecology. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2018-04: Bruineberg, Jelle (2018) Anticipating Affordances: Intentionality in self-organizing brain-body-environment systems. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2022-05: Bussière-Carae, Lwenn (2022) No means No! Speech Acts in Conflict. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-10: Bułeczka, Andrzej (2017) Medieval vs Contemporary Metaphysics of Intentionality and Logic. [Report]

MoL-2015-11: Bäumel, Moritz (2015) 'On Certainty' and Formal Epistemology. [Report]


PP-2007-20: Caicedo, Xavier and Dechesne, Francien and Janssen, Theo M.V. (2007) Equivalence and quantier rules for logic with imperfect information. [Report]

MoL-2020-15: Campa, Marta (2020) Deflationism about Reference. [Report]

DS-2020-16: Canavotto, Ilaria (2020) Where Responsibility Takes You: Logics of Agency, Counterfactuals and Norms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-29: Cao, Siyuan (2023) Wh-indefinites in Mandarin: The case of shenme (什么). [Report]

PP-2020-01: Carl, Merlin and Galeotti, Lorenzo (2020) Resetting Infinite Time Blum-Shub-Smale-Machines. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2018-14: Carl, Merlin and Galeotti, Lorenzo and Löwe, Benedikt (2018) The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem in Generalised Analysis. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-01: Carl, Merlin and Galeotti, Lorenzo and Passmann, Robert (2021) Randomising Realisability. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2022-02: Carr, James (2022) Hereditary Structural Completeness over K4: Rybakov’s Theorem Revisited. [Report]

DS-2015-05: Carreiro, Facundo (2015) Fragments of Fixpoint Logics: Automata and Expressiveness. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-17: Cattermole, Thomas (2016) Paraconsistent Logics and Identity - a Pragmatic Approach. [Report]

DS-1995-10: Cepparello, Giovanna (1995) Studies in Dynamic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2021-05: Chartier, Cian Guilfoyle (2021) A Pragmatic Defense of Logical Pluralism. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2024-12: Chen, Yanlin (2024) On Quantum Algorithms and Limitations for Convex Optimization and Lattice Problems. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

PP-2018-17: Chen, Weiwei and Endriss, Ulle (2018) Aggregating Alternative Extensions of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks: Preservation Results for Quota Rules. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-11: Chen, Weiwei and Endriss, Ulle (2017) Preservation of Semantic Properties during the Aggregation of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-16: Chen, Weiwei and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Preservation of Semantic Properties in Collective Argumentation: The Case of Aggregating Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. [Pre-print]

MoL-2022-17: Chernev, Anton (2022) Degrees of FMP in extensions of bi-intuitionistic logic. [Report]

DS-2025-01: Chingoma, Julian (2025) On Proportionality in Complex Domains. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2016-02: Christoff, Zoé (2016) Dynamic Logics of Networks: Information Flow and the Spread of Opinion. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-24: Chu, Tianyi (2023) Topic-relevance and Hyperintensional Belief. [Report]

MoL-2024-09: Chung, Liam (2024) Automata Closure Constructions for Kleene Algebra with Hypotheses. [Report]

DS-2016-01: Ciardelli, Ivano A. (2016) Questions in Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-04: Cinà, Giovanni (2017) Categories for the working modal logician. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2016-17: Ciná, Giovanni and Endriss, Ulle (2016) Proving Classical Theorems of Social Choice Theory in Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2015-24: Ciná, Giovanni and Endriss, Ulle (2015) A Syntactic Proof of Arrow's Theorem in a Modal Logic of Social Choice Functions. [Report]

X-2016-01: Ciná, Giovanni and Enqvist, Sebastian (2016) Bisimulation and path logic for sheaves: contextuality and beyond. [Report]

MoL-2023-30: Cissell, Isabella (2023) The Pretense View of Fiction. [Report]

MoL-2021-22: Cleani, Antonio Maria (2021) Translational Embeddings via Stable Canonical Rules. [Report]

DS-2021-12: Cohen, Michael (2021) Dynamic Introspection. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-14: Colacito, Almudena (2016) Minimal and Subminimal Logic of Negation. [Report]

PP-2016-23: Colacito, Almudena and de Jongh, Dick and Vargas, Ana Lucia (2016) Subminimal Negation. [Report]

MoL-2019-24: Colley, Rachael H. (2019) Guaranteeing Feasible Outcomes in Judgment Aggregation. [Report]

MoL-2023-14: Comer, Jesse A. (2023) Homomorphism Counts, Database Queries, and Modal Logics. [Report]

MoL-2018-25: Commandeur, Leon (2018) Logical Functionalism. [Report]

MoL-2017-03: Coopmans, Tim (2017) Robust self-testing of (almost) all pure two-qubit states. [Report]

DS-2023-02: Cornelissen, Arjan (2023) Quantum multivariate estimation and span program algorithms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-19: Cornelissen, Bas (2017) Bayesian Language Games: Unifying and evaluating agent-based models of horizontal and vertical language evolution. [Report]

PP-2001-22: Corsi, Giovanna (2001) A Unifying Completeness Theorem in Quantified Modal logic. [Report]

DS-2008-10: Counihan, Marian (2008) Looking for logic in all the wrong places: an investigation of language, literacy and logic in reasoning. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2022-10: Cruchten, Mike (2022) Topics in Ω-Automata: A Journey through Lassos, Algebra, Coalgebra and Expressions. [Report]

MoL-2020-05: Călinoiu, Teodor Tiberiu (2020) What Structural Objects Could Be: Mathematical Structuralism and its Prospects. [Pre-print]


DS-2018-05: Daiber, Joachim (2018) Typologically Robust Statistical Machine Translation: Understanding and Exploiting Differences and Similarities Between Languages in Machine Translation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-09: Damanik, Raja Oktovin Parhasian (2018) Optimality in Stabilizer Testing. [Report]

MoL-2023-23: Danco, Dominique Marie (2023) How Many Oracle Calls Does It Take to Locate a Lightbulb? [Report]

DS-2024-07: Degano, Marco (2024) Indefinites and their values. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-11: Degano, Marco (2019) Meaning through Time: A Diachronic and Semantic Study of Italian Free Choice. [Report]

MoL-2023-37: Dekker, P. Maurice (2023) Polyhedral semantics of modal logic. [Report]

X-2024-02: Dekker, Paul (2024) Conceptual Windows Afford Views on Satisfying Individuals. [Report]

X-2024-05: Dekker, Paul (2024) A Logic for Contextually Restricted Quantification. [Report]

DS-1993-01: Dekker, Paul (1993) Transsentential Meditations; Ups and downs in dynamic semantics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2010-14: Demey, Lorenz (2010) Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic. [Report]

MoL-2023-06: Diephuis, Storm (2023) Effective Kan fibrations for simplicial groupoids, semisimplicial sets and Ex∞. [Report]

MoL-2021-18: Dmitrieva, Anna (2021) Positive modal logic beyond distributivity: duality, preservation and completeness. [Report]

MoL-2014-12: Docherty, Simon (2014) A Model Of Type Theory In Cubical Sets With Connections. [Report]

HDS-19: Doets, Kees (2016) Completeness and Definability. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-13: Dominguez Parrado, Sabina (2023) Metaphysical Multiversism: from Armchair to Practice. [Report]

MoL-2018-10: Don, Jelle Wijnand (2018) Post-quantum Security of Fiat-Shamir Signatures. [Report]

MoL-2017-01: Dongen, Nina (2017) Analysis and Prediction of Dutch-English Code-switching in Dutch Social Media Messages. [Report]

DS-1994-03: Drost, Nicoline Johanna (1994) Process Theory and Equation Solving. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-18: Drumm, Eli (2016) Readtable-Macro Transducer-Chain Parsing. [Report]

MoL-2024-20: Duņamalijevs, Raufs (2024) Predicate Pushdown in FastLanes. [Report]

DS-2010-03: Dégremont, Cédric (2010) The Temporal Mind. Observations on the logic of belief change in interactive systems. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2009-14: Dégremont, Cédric and Gierasimczuk, Nina (2009) Can doxastic agents learn? On the temporal structure of learning. [Report]

DS-1998-04: d'Agostino, Giovanna (1998) Modal Logic and Non-Well-Founded Set Theory: Translation, Bisimulation, Interpolation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-40: de Bouvère, Karel Louis (2024) A Method in Proofs of Undefinability. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2004-03: de Bruin, Boudewijn (2004) Explaining Games. On the Logic of Game Theoretic Explanations. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-07: de Graaf, David Joël (2021) "A partition calculus in set theory" by Erdös and Rado for readers from the twenty-first century. [Report]

PP-2018-11: de Haan, Ronald (2018) Hunting for Tractable Languages for Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2018-12: de Haan, Ronald (2018) A Parameterized Complexity View on Description Logic Reasoning. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-21: de Haan, Ronald and Slavkovik, Marija (2019) Answer Set Programming for Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2001-03: de Haas, Erik (2001) Logics For OO Information Systems: a Semantic Study of Object Orientation from a Categorial Substructural Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-24: de Hoop, Zeno (2017) Context-Free Processes and Push-Down Processes. [Report]

DS-2009-10: de Jager, Tikitu (2009) "Now that you mention it, I wonder...": Awareness, Attention, Assumption. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-05: de Jongh, Dick (2013) Investigations on the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2016-13: de Jongh, Dick and Maleki, Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh (2016) Subintuitionistic Logics with Kripke Models. [Report]

PP-2018-08: de Jongh, Dick and Maleki, Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh (2018) Two Neighborhood Semantics for Subintuitionistic Logics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2016-12: de Jongh, Dick and Maleki, Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh (2016) Weak Subintuitionistic Logics. [Report]

PP-2010-07: de Jongh, Dick and Verbrugge, Rineke and Visser, Albert (2010) Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh Property. [Report]

PP-2014-06: de Jongh, Dick and Zhao, Zhiguang (2014) Positive Formulas in Intuitionistic and Minimal Logic. [Report]

PP-2010-20: de Lavalette, Gerard R. Renardel and Hendriks, Lex and de Jongh, Dick (2010) Intuitionistic implication without disjunction. [Report]

MoL-2015-14: de Pol, Iris van (2015) How Difficult is it to Think that you Think that I Think that...? A DEL-based Computational-level Model of Theory of Mind and its Complexity. [Report]

DS-1993-04: de Rijke, Maarten (1993) Extending Modal Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2008-07: de Rooij, Steven (2008) Minimum Description Length Model Selection: Problems and Extensions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-08: de Vos, Aafke (2017) The Logic of Divinatory Reasoning. [Report]

HDS-23: de Vries, Hendrik (2017) Compact Spaces and Compactification: An Algebraic Approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-27: de Vries, Mees (2017) An Extensional Modified Realizability Topos. [Report]

DS-2001-02: den Bosch, Alexander van (2001) Rationality in Discovery - a study of Logic, Cognition, Computation and Neuropharmacology. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2015-22: den Haan, Michiel (2015) The Logic of Framing: The Framing Effect as a Non-Monotonic Decision Process of Path Dependence. [Report]

DS-2019-06: der Gulik, Peter T.S. van (2019) Considerations in Evolutionary Biochemistry. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2016-04: der Molen, Tim van (2016) The Johansson/Heyting letters and the birth of minimal logic. [Report]


MoL-2014-11: Eelink, Guus Willem (2014) Davidson on belief, truth, and the sceptic. [Report]

MoL-2015-06: Emerich, Johannes (2015) Applying Types as Abstract Interpretation to a Language with Dynamic Dispatch. [Report]

PP-2019-30: Endriss, Ulle (2019) Analysis of One-to-One Matching Mechanisms via SAT Solving: Impossibilities for Universal Axioms. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-29: Endriss, Ulle (2019) Collective Information. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2018-16: Endriss, Ulle (2018) Judgment Aggregation with Rationality and Feasibility Constraints. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-20: Endriss, Ulle (2017) Trends in Computational Social Choice. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-01: Endriss, Ulle and Grandi, Umberto (2017) Graph Aggregation. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2018-02: Endriss, Ulle and Grandi, Umberto (2018) Graph Aggregation: Extended Abstract. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-04: Enqvist, Sebastian and Seifan, Fatemeh and Venema, Yde (2017) Completeness for mu-calculi: a coalgebraic approach. [Pre-print] (Unpublished)

PP-2016-33: Enqvist, Sebastian and Seifan, Fatemeh and Venema, Yde (2016) Completeness for the modal mu-calculus: separating the combinatorics from the dynamics. [Report]

PP-2016-33: Enqvist, Sebastian and Seifan, Fatemeh and Venema, Yde (2016) Completeness for the modal mu-calculus: separating the combinatorics from the dynamics. [Report]

PP-2017-05: Enqvist, Sebastian and Venema, Yde (2017) Disjunctive bases: normal forms for modal logics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2011-35: Esakia, Leo and Löwe, Benedikt (2011) Fatal Heyting Algebras and Forcing Persistent Sentences. [Report]

DS-1995-07: Etalle, Sandro (1995) Transformation and Analysis of (Constraint) Logic Programs. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


DS-2024-10: Feijen, Willem (2024) Fast, Right, or Best? Algorithms for Practical Optimization Problems. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2022-05: Felderhoff, Lukas (2022) Single-Peaked Electorates in Liquid Democracy. [Report]

MoL-2014-23: Feng, Yuning (2014) Constructing Variants of the Category of Partial Equivalence Relations. [Report]

MoL-2018-27: Fernández González, Saúl (2018) Generic Models for Topological Evidence Logics. [Report]

MoL-2019-18: Ferrari, Matteo (2019) Questioning Philosophy. [Report]

MoL-2022-15: Filipetto, Valentino (2022) Constructing queries from data examples. [Report]

MoL-2023-02: Fish, Andrew (2023) Extensional Realism: Interesting and Uninteresting Truths. [Report]

DS-2009-02: Fitz, Hartmut (2009) Neural Syntax. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2013-02: Fiutek, Virginie (2013) Playing with Knowledge and Belief. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-01: Flachs, Bo Lazlo (2023) Neglect-Zero Effects on Indicative Conditionals: Extending BSML and BiUS with an implication. [Report]

MoL-2020-11: Flaten, Eric (2020) Toward a formal representation of radical interpretation. [Report]

MoL-2023-04: Foks, Gerson (2023) Towards Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding. [Report]

DS-2010-09: Fontaine, Gaëlle (2010) Modal Fixpoint Logic: Some Model Theoretic Questions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2016-39: Fontaine, Gaëlle and Venema, Yde (2016) Some model theory for the modal mu-calculus: syntactic characterisations of semantic properties. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2019-23: Ford, Chase (2019) Investigations into the Expressiveness of First-order Logic and Weak Path Automata on Infinite Trees. [Report]

MoL-2021-05: Fornasiere, Damiano (2021) Representable Forests and Diamond Systems. [Report]

DS-2000-07: Fortuin, Egbert L.J. (2000) Polysemy or monosemy: Interpretation of the imperative and the dative-infinitive construction in Russian. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-06: Franchini, Anna (2019) Space and the Continuum from Kant to Poincaré. [Report]

DS-2009-11: Franke, Michael (2009) Signal to Act: Game Theory in Pragmatics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-13: Frumin, Daniil (2016) Weak Factorisation Systems in the Effective Topos. [Report]


DS-2012-06: Gakis, Dimitris (2012) Contextual Metaphilosophy - The Case of Wittgenstein. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-01: Galeazzi, Paolo (2017) Play Without Regret. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2019-04: Galeotti, Lorenzo (2019) The theory of the generalised real numbers and other topics in logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2023-02: Galeotti, Lorenzo and Lewis, Ethan S. and Loewe, Benedikt (2023) Symmetry for transfinite computability. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2015-13: Galeotti, Lorenzo (2015) Computable Analysis Over the Generalized Baire Space. [Report]

PP-2019-10: Galeotti, Lorenzo (2019) Surreal Blum-Shub-Smale Machines. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2020-13: Galeotti, Lorenzo and Khomskii, Yurii and Väänänen, Jouko (2020) Bounded Symbiosis and Upwards Reflection. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2017-10: Galeotti, Lorenzo and Löwe, Benedikt (2017) Order types of models of reducts of Peano Arithmetic and their fragments. [Pre-print] (Unpublished)

PP-2017-08: Galeotti, Lorenzo and Nobrega, Hugo (2017) Towards computable analysis on the generalised real line. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2012-07: Galliani, Pietro (2012) The Dynamics of Imperfect Information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-14: Ganguly, Arunavo (2024) Characterizing Formulas using Post’s Lattice. [Report]

DS-2018-11: Gattinger, Malvin (2018) New Directions in Model Checking Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-16: Gattinger, Malvin (2014) Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Guessing Games and Cryptographic Protocols. [Report]

MoL-2015-28: Gavazzo, Francesco (2015) Investigations into Linear Logic with Fixed-Point Operators. [Report]

PP-2002-09: Gehrke, Mai and Nagahashi, Hideo and Venema, Yde (2002) A Sahlqvist Theorem for Distributive Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2010-18: Gehrke, Mai and Vosmaer, Jacob (2010) A View of Canonical Extension. [Report]

LP-1994-01: Gelev, Dimitar (1994) Introducing Some Classical Elements of Modal Logic to the Propositional Logics of Qualitative Probabilities. [Report]

PP-2007-38: Gencer, Çigdem and de Jongh, Dick (2007) Unifiability in extensions of K4. [Report]

DS-2002-05: Gennari, Rosella (2002) Mapping Inferences: Constraint Propagation and Diamond Satisfaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1999-01: Gerbrandy, Jelle (1999) Bisimulations on Planet Kripke. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-08: Gheerbrant, Amélie (2010) Fixed-Point Logics on Trees. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2010-12: Gheerbrant, Amélie (2010) Complete Axiomatization of the Stutter-Invariant Fragment of the Linear-time mu-calculus. [Report]

MoL-2024-07: Ghosh, Swapnil (2024) An Exploration of Contraction Free Arithmetic. [Report]

DS-2010-11: Gierasimczuk, Nina (2010) Knowing One's Limits. Logical Analysis of Inductive Inference. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-23: Gijzen, Marlou M. (2018) A Constructive Approach Towards Formalizing Relativization Using Combinatory Logic. [Report]

MoL-2010-05: Giorgio, Nicola Di (2010) Non-Standard Models of Arithmetic: a Philosophical and Historical perspective. [Report]

MoL-2016-24: Gioulatou, Iliana (2016) Hyperintensionality. [Report]

DS-2008-04: Girard, Patrick (2008) Modal Logic for Belief and Preference Change. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2015-21: Gkikas, Konstantinos (2015) Stable Beliefs and Conditional Probability Spaces. [Report]

MoL-2016-26: Gogoladze, Kristina (2016) Evidence-Based Belief Revision for Non-Omniscient Agents. [Report]

MoL-2015-05: Goldbach, Roosmarijn (2015) Modelling Democratic Deliberation. [Report]

MoL-2024-21: Goossens, Frank J.A. (2024) Formalizing the FLINT Ontology: Building an action-oriented formal language for the interpretation of normative texts. [Report]

PP-2003-17: Goris, Evan (2003) Extending ILM with an operator for $\Sigma_1$-ness. [Report]

PP-2005-15: Goris, Evan and Joosten, Joost J. (2005) The many faces of interpretability. [Report]

MoL-2021-20: Gougeon, Quentin (2021) The Expressive Power of Derivational Modal Logic. [Report]

DS-2012-08: Grandi, Umberto (2012) Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2012-12: Grandi, Umberto and Endriss, Ulle (2012) First-Order Logic Formalisation of Impossibility Theorems in Preference Aggregation. [Report]

MoL-2017-04: Griffioen, Simone (2017) Covertly Controlling Choices: Manipulating Decision Making Under Partial Knowledge. [Report]

DS-2020-14: Grilletti, Gianluca (2020) Questions & Quantification: A study of first order inquisitive logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2025-02: Grinko, Dmitry (2025) Mixed Schur-Weyl duality in quantum information. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

PP-2009-05: Groenendijk, Jeroen (2009) Inquisitive Semantics: Two Possibilities for Disjunction. [Report]

DS-1995-18: Groeneveld, Willem (1995) Logical Investigations into Dynamic Semantics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2020-02: Groenland, Koen (2020) Quantum protocols for few-qubit devices. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-18: Gronwald, Jan W. (2024) A Practice-Based Critique of Reverse Mathematics. [Report]

PP-2009-27: Grossi, David and Gabbay, Dov and der Torre, Leendert van (2009) The Norm Implementation Problem in Normative Multi-Agent Systems. [Report]

PP-2009-24: Grossi, Davide (2009) Doing Argumentation Theory in Modal Logic. [Report]

MoL-2022-22: Grotenhuis, Lide (2022) Natural Axiomatic Theories and Consistency Strength: A Lakatosian Approach to the Linearity Conjecture. [Report]

PP-2011-07: Grädel, Erich and Väänänen, Jouko (2011) Dependence and Independence. [Report]

MoL-2018-36: Gu, Tao (2018) Majorizability Types, Assemblies, and the Fan Theorem. [Report]


MoL-2018-29: Haenen, Jana (2018) A Gödel-style translation from positive calculus into strict implication logic. [Report]

PP-2012-19: Hamkins, Joel David and Leibman, George and Löwe, Benedikt (2012) Structural connections between a forcing class and its modal logic. [Report]

PP-2013-04: Hamkins, Joel David and Löwe, Benedikt (2013) Moving up and down in the generic multiverse. [Report]

PP-2003-24: Hansen, Helle Hvid (2003) Monotonic Modal Logics. [Report]

PP-2007-30: Hansen, Helle Hvid and Kupke, Clemens and Pacuit, Eric (2007) Bisimulation for Neighbourhood Structuress. [Report]

PP-2002-03: Hansen, Helle Hvid and Pauly, Marc (2002) Axiomatising Nash-Consistent Coalition Logic. [Report]

MoL-2019-22: Harding, Jacqueline (2019) Incorporating Preference Information into Formal Models of Transitive Proxy Voting. [Report]

DS-2021-03: Hashemi, Seyyed Hadi (2021) Modeling Users Interacting with Smart Devices. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2020-06: Havelange, Maëlle (2020) ‘White horse not horse’: An Analysis of Modern Interpretative Approaches to Kung-sun Lung’s White Horse Discourse. [Pre-print]

DS-2017-06: Hawke, Peter (2017) The Problem of Epistemic Relevance. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2019-15: Hawke, Peter and Özgün, Aybüke (2020) Truthmaker Semantics for Epistemic Logic. [Pre-print] (In Press)

MoL-2018-08: Heerkens, Noor (2018) Studies in Minimal Mathematics. [Report]

MoL-2023-25: Hegeman, Steef (2023) Priority arguments in transfinite computability theory. [Report]

DS-2003-03: Heguiabehere, Juan (2003) Building Logic Toolboxes. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1993-05: Hendriks, Herman (1993) Studied Flexibility. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1996-01: Hendriks, Lex (1996) Computations in Propositional Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-22: Hendriks, Tom (2016) Beyond the Regular: A Formalization of Non-Isochronous Metrical Structure. [Report]

DS-2016-10: Henk, Paula (2016) Nonstandard Provability for Peano Arithmetic. A Modal Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-34: Henk, Verkuyl (2023) On the Compositional Nature of the Aspects. Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht.

PP-2014-01: Henk, Paula (2014) Kripke Models Built from Models of Arithmetic. [Report]

X-2011-06: Henk, Paula (2011) A new perspective on the arithmetical completeness of GL. [Report]

PP-2016-31: Henk, Paula and Shavrukov, V. Yu. (2016) A Solovay function for the least 1-inconsistent subtheory of PA. [Report]

PP-2016-32: Henk, Paula and Visser, Albert (2016) Interpretability suprema in Peano Arithmetic. [Report]

MoL-2019-12: Henke, Tim (2019) The van Benthem Characterisation Theorem for Descriptive Models. [Report]

MoL-2014-13: Herbstritt, Michele (2014) Why can't we be surprised whether it rains in Amsterdam? A semantics for factive verbs and embedded questions. [Report]

MoL-2020-07: Hill, Angelica M. (2020) The Only Thesis. [Report]

MoL-2016-01: Hiller, Sarah (2016) Corrective Feedback in First Language Acquisition. [Report]

PP-2003-13: Hodkinson, Ian and Venema, Yde (2003) Canonical varieties with no canonical axiomatisation. [Report]

MoL-2018-30: Hoeks, Morwenna (2018) Coordinating Questions. [Report]

DS-2012-09: Holliday, Wesley Halcrow (2012) Knowing What Follows: Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2006-05: Honingh, Aline (2006) The Origin and Well-Formedness of Tonal Pitch Structures. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2001-05: Hoogland, Eva (2001) Definability and Interpolation: Model-theoretic investigations. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2020-14: Hoogstra, Brandon Ryan (2020) From Cross-World Predication to Cross-World Travel: Building a Bridge between Worlds. [Report]

DS-2021-10: Hornischer, Levin (2021) Dynamical Systems via Domains: Toward a Unified Foundation of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Computation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-07: Hornischer, Levin (2017) Hyperintensionality and Synonymy. [Report]

DS-2009-08: Hoshi, Tomohiro (2009) Epistemic Dynamics and Protocol Information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1994-10: Huang, Zhisheng (1994) Logics for Agents with Bounded Rationality. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-21: Hui, Terence (2021) A Compositional Analysis of Dependence Statements. [Report]

MoL-2023-15: Huising, Philemon L. (2023) Multiwinner Voting with Priority Candidates. [Report]

MoL-2018-11: Hungerbühler, Silvan (2018) A Computational Method for Philosophical Interpretation. [Pre-print]

MoL-2013-29: Hupkes, Dieuwke (2013) An Empirical Account of Compositionality of Translation through Translation Data. [Report]


MoL-2023-31: Iatrou, Evan (Evangelos) (2023) Reclaiming Enlightenment: on the logical foundations of the rule of law in a legitimate algocracy. [Report]

DS-2014-02: Icard, Thomas (2014) The Algorithmic Mind: A Study of Inference in Action. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2001-04: Iemhoff, Rosalie (2001) Provability Logic and Admissible Rules. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-04: Ikegami, Daisuke (2010) Games in Set Theory and Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2018-12: Ilin, Julia (2018) Filtration Revisited: Lattices of Stable Non-Classical Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-10: Ilin, Julia (2014) An Outline of Algebraic Set Theory with a View Towards Cohen's Model Falsifying the Continuum Hypothesis. [Report]

MoL-2018-12: Ionescu, Stefania (2018) Advancing the Use of Sparse Knowledge for Qualitative Models and Simulations. [Report]


HDS-10: Janssen, Theo (2014) Foundations and applications of Montague grammar. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2007-14: Janssen, Theo (2007) Compiler correctness and the translation of logics. [Report]

PP-2007-13: Janssen, Theo (2007) Independence and Hintikka games. [Report]

PP-2002-01: Janssen, Theo (2002) Independent Choices and the Interpretation of IF Logic. [Report]

PP-2005-17: Janssen, Theo M.V. and Dechesne, Francien (2005) Signalling in IF games: a tricky business. [Report]

MoL-2022-04: Janssens, Nicolien S. (2022) Communicate and Vote: Collective Truth-tracking in Networks. [Report]

MoL-2017-31: Janzen, Albert (2017) The paradoxes of self-negation. [Report]

MoL-2021-12: Jaramillo, Mateo C. (2021) Epistemic Logics for Cryptographic Protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proofs. [Report]

DS-1994-04: Jaspars, Jan (1994) Calculi for Constructive Communication, a Study of the Dynamics of Partial States. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2006-56: Joosten, Joost J. (2006) Semantics for sub-intuitionistic logics. [Report]

MoL-2018-20: Jónsson, Haukur Páll (2018) Real Logic and Logic Tensor Networks. [Report]


DS-1995-13: Kalsbeek, Marianne (1995) Meta-Logics for Logic Programming. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2000-02: Kamps, Jaap (2000) A Logical Approach to Computational Theory Building (with applications to sociology). Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-14: Karačić, Tomislav (2019) The Informational View of Technologies in the Scientific Practice. [Report]

MoL-2020-12: Karlsson, Martin (2020) Proofs and Strategies: A Characterization of Classical and Intuitionistic Logic using Games with Explicit Strategies. [Report]

MoL-2017-20: Kasbergen, Ottilia (2017) Abstractions and Idealisations in Epistemic Logic. [Report]

DS-2014-01: Keestra, Machiel (2014) Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-03: Keizer, Alex C. (2023) Implementing a definitional (co)datatype package in Lean 4, based on quotients of polynomial functors. [Report]

DS-2001-09: Kerdiles, Gwen (2001) Saying It with Pictures: a Logical Landscape of Conceptual Graphs. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2011-05: Keskinen, Lauri (2011) Characterizing All Models in Infinite Cardinalities. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2012-04: Khomskii, Yurii (2012) Regularity Properties and Definability in the Real Number Continuum: idealized forcing, polarized partitions, Hausdorff gaps and mad families in the projective hierarchy. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-08: Khomskii, Yurii and Oddsson, Hrafn Valtýr (2022) Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2011-08: Khomskii, Yurii (2011) William of Sherwood, singular propositions and the hexagon of opposition. [Report]

PP-2010-06: Klarman, Szymon and Endriss, U. and Schlobach, Stefan (2010) ABox Abduction in the Description Logic ALC. [Report]

MoL-2017-26: Klein, Rana (2017) The Logical Dynamics of Gossip: an analysis in Dynamic Epistemic Logic. [Report]

MoL-2022-14: Klochowicz, Tomasz (2022) Investigating semantic and selectional properties of clause-embedding predicates in Polish. [Report]

HDS-33: Klop, Jan Willem (2022) Combinatory Reduction Systems. Doctoral thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.

MoL-2020-10: Kluiving, Boas (2020) Computationally Efficient Representation Languages for Fairly Dividing Indivisible Goods. [Report]

PP-2020-17: Kluiving, Boas and de Vries, Adriaan and Vrijbergen, Pepijn and Boixel, Arthur and Endriss, Ulle (2020) Analysing Irresolute Multiwinner Voting Rules with Approval Ballots via SAT Solving. [Pre-print]

MoL-2022-24: Knudstorp, Søren Brinck (2022) Modal Information Logics. [Report]

DS-2020-10: Kochari, Arnold (2020) Perceiving and communicating magnitudes: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-06: Koek, Merlijn (2017) Extensions Of The Garden-hose Model. [Report]

DS-2010-05: Kontinen, Jarmo (2010) Coherence and Complexity in Fragments of Dependence Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-10: Kooiman, Isa Anne (2023) Unraveling vagueness: Exploring its puzzles, its nature, and their interplay. [Report]

MoL-2023-35: Kopnev, Kirill (2023) Dynamic logics of polyhedra and their application in 3D modeling. [Report]

MoL-2021-25: Kortenbach, Bas (2021) The Classicality of Epistemic Multilateral Logic. [Report]

MoL-2015-04: Kosterman, Sanne (2015) Learning in Games through Social Networks. [Report]

MoL-2022-07: Koudijs, Raoul (2022) Learning Modal Formulas via Dualities. [Report]

MoL-2019-26: Koutsoulis, Dimitrios (2019) Lifschitz Realizability for Homotopy Type Theory. [Report]

HDS-31: Krabbe, Erik C.W. (2019) Studies in Dialogical Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-28: Kroes, Pepijn (2021) Finiteness, Invariance, and Analogy: A Minimal Model for Adaptive Processes. [Report]

MoL-2015-19: Kroese, Wouter P.J. (2015) When an Algorithm Cannot Help You Find a Wife: Modeling Two-Sided Matching Markets Using Stochastic Matching. [Report]

MoL-2024-06: Kroon, Wessel (2024) Knowledge as Issue-Relevant Information. [Report]

MoL-2014-18: Kruger, Justin (2014) Actions in Social Choice. [Report]

MoL-2015-30: Kuan, Ko-Hung (2015) Coherence Preservation: A Threat to Probabilistic Measures of Coherence. [Report]

DS-2006-03: Kupke, Clemens (2006) Finitary coalgebraic logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2003-15: Kupke, Clemens and Kurz, Alexander and Venema, Yde (2003) Stone Coalgebras. [Report]

DS-2011-10: Kurzen, Lena (2011) Complexity in Interaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-23: Køhlert, Sebastian N. (2021) Measuring What Exactly? A Critique of Causal Modelling in Atheoretical Econometrics. [Report]

MoL-2022-06: klein Goldewijk, Thomas (2022) Fairness in Perpetual Participatory Budgeting. [Report]


MoL-2017-29: Landerreche, Esteban (2017) Leaning on Impossible-to-Parallelise Work for Immutability Guarantees in the Blockchain. [Report]

DS-2019-07: Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2019) Cuts and Completions: Algebraic aspects of structural proof theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2015-01: Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2015) Bitopological Vietoris spaces and positive modal logic. [Report]

PP-2018-05: Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2018) Intermediate logics admitting a structural hypersequent calculus. [Pre-print] (In Press)

MoL-2015-18: Lauridsen, Frederik Möllerström (2015) One-Step Algebras and Frames for Modal and Intuitionistic Logics. [Report]

DS-2011-09: Leal, Raul Andres (2011) Modalities Through the Looking Glass: A study on coalgebraic modal logic and their applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2022-16: Leijnse, Koen (2022) On the Quantum Hardness of Matching Colored Triangles. [Report]

HDS-13: Leivant, Daniel (2015) Absoluteness of Intuitionistic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-28: Lemal, Simon (2023) Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logics. [Report]

PP-2024-01: Leo, Joop (2024) Reconciling positionalism and antipositionalism. [Pre-print] (In Press)

MoL-2018-14: Lewis, Ethan S. (2018) Computation with Infinite Programs. [Report]

DS-2021-13: Li, Dazhu (2021) Formal Threads in the Social Fabric: Studies in the Logical Dynamics of Multi-Agent Interaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-08: Li, Lei (2023) Games, Boards and Play: A Logical Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2019-01: Li, Dazhu (2019) Losing Connection: the Modal Logic of Definable Link Deletion. [Report]

MoL-2023-07: Liao, Cheng (2023) Stable Canonical Rules for Intuitionistic Modal Logics. [Report]

MoL-2018-07: Lisowski, Grzegorz (2018) Preventing Manipulation in Aggregating Value-Based Argumentation Frameworks. [Report]

MoL-2023-34: Lissoni, Evelina (2023) Why logical pluralists should be anti-exceptionalists. [Report]

DS-2008-02: Liu, Fenrong (2008) Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2012-27: Liu, Fenrong and Seligman, Jeremy and van Benthem, Johan (2012) Models of Reasoning in Ancient China. [Report]

MoL-2020-09: Lobski, Leo (2020) Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras. [Report]

MoL-2022-01: Loustalot Knapp, Daniela (2022) Justification of Matching Outcomes. [Report]

MoL-2021-04: Louwrink, Daniël (2021) A Separation Logic for Stacked Borrows. [Report]

MoL-2023-33: Luden, Iris (2023) Beyond Perplexity: Examining Temporal Generalization of Large Language Models via Definition Generation. [Report]

MoL-2019-21: Lui, Ho-Yin (2019) Expressive Limitations and the Liar’s Revenge: A Strict-Tolerant Solution and A Pragmatic Solution For Dialetheism. [Report]

MoL-2018-22: Luthra, Mrinalini (2018) How do we Develop Ethically Aware AI? [Report]

PP-2008-31: Löwe, Benedikt and Pacuit, Eric and Saraf, Sanchit (2008) Analyzing stories as games with mistaken and changing beliefs. [Report]

PP-2009-33: Löwe, Benedikt and Pacuit, Eric and Saraf, Sanchit (2009) Identifying the structure of a narrative via an agent-based logic of preferences and beliefs: Formalizations of episodes from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. [Report]

PP-2010-14: Löwe, Benedikt and Pacuit, Eric and Witzel, Andreas (2010) Planning based on dynamic epistemic logic. [Report]

PP-2018-15: Löwe, Benedikt and Passmann, Robert and Tarafder, Sourav (2018) Constructing illoyal algebra-valued models of set theory. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2004-04: Löwe, Benedikt and Sarenac, Darko (2004) Cardinal spaces and topological representations of bimodal logics. [Report]


DS-1999-03: Maat, Jaap (1999) Philosophical Languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-15: Maddirala, Nikhil (2014) Philosophy of logical practice: a case study in formal semantics. [Report]

MoL-2020-03: Maden, Rachel (2020) The nature of referential intentions. [Pre-print]

DS-2015-02: Madsen, Mathias Winther (2015) The Kid, the Clerk, and the Gambler - Critical Studies in Statistics and Cognitive Science. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-04: Maia, Nuno (2019) Tennenbaum’s Theorem and Non-Classical Arithmetic. [Report]

MoL-2015-08: Mallinson, Jonathan (2015) Modelling Syntactic and Semantic Tasks with Linguistically Enriched Recursive Neural Networks. [Report]

PP-2009-38: Mancarella, Paolo and Terreni, Giacomo and Sadri, Fariba and Toni, Francesca and Endriss, Ulle (2009) The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Theory, Implementation and Experiments. [Report]

IV-11: Mannoury, Gerrit (2017) Over de beteekenis der wiskundige logica voor de philosophie. [Report]

PP-2016-10: Marti, Johannes and Pinosio, Riccardo (2016) A Game Semantics for System P. [Report]

MoL-2019-16: Martinot, Robin (2019) Sets and Categories: What Foundational Approaches Tell Us About Mathematical Thought. [Report]

DS-1995-03: Marx, Maarten (1995) Algebraic Relativization and Arrow Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2002-02: Marx, Maarten and Masuch, Michael (2002) Regular Equivalence and Dynamic Logic. [Report]

PP-2001-10: Marx, Maarten and Mikulas, Szabolcs (2001) An Elementary Construction for a Non-elementary Procedure. [Report]

MoL-2016-11: Marzion, Evan (2016) Closed Sets of Higher-Order Functions. [Report]

X-2016-06: Marzion, Evan (2016) Constructive Notions of Cofiniteness. [Report]

MoL-2016-23: Massas, Guillaume (2016) Possibility Spaces, Q-Completions and Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemmas for Non-Classical Logics. [Report]

DS-2002-01: Massios, Nikos (2002) Decision-Theoretic Robotic Surveillance. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2022-20: McCloskey, Erin (2022) Relative Weak Factorization Systems. [Report]

DS-2023-05: McHugh, Dean (2023) Causation and Modality: Models and Meanings. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-28: McHugh, Dean (2018) Counterfactuals and the Logic of Imaginative Content. [Report]

MoL-2019-27: McKnight, John Hunter (2019) Quantum Shell Games: How to Classically Delegate the Preparation of Authenticated Quantum States. [Report]

MoL-2014-14: McWhirter, Sarah (2014) An Automata-Theoretic Perspective on Polyadic Quantification in Natural Language. [Report]

PP-2016-38: McWhirter, Sarah and Szymanik, Jakub (2016) Constructing Semantic Automata for Quantifier Iterations. [Report]

MoL-2020-13: Melzer, Sebastian David (2020) Canonical Formulas for the Lax Logic. [Report]

DS-2023-11: Menéndez Turata, Guillermo (2023) Cyclic Proof Systems for Modal Fixpoint Logics. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-06: Metzler, Heidi (2018) Algorithmic Complexity in Textile Patterns. [Report]

DS-2012-10: Meyers, Jeremy (2012) Locations, Bodies, and Sets: A model theoretic investigation into nominalistic mereologies. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-14: Michelini, Matteo (2021) When Being the Fifth Wheel Pays Off: Wisdom of the Crowds with Costly Information. [Report]

MoL-2023-19: Michelli, Gianluca (2023) Intentions behind metaphor use. [Report]

MoL-2016-10: Michgelsen, Philip W.B. (2016) Genetic-Algorithmic Optimisation for School-Allocation Mechanisms: A Study of Amsterdam's Student to High-School Allocation Problem. [Report]

MoL-2018-31: Mierzewski, Krzysztof (2018) Probabilistic Stability: dynamics, nonmonotonic logics, and stable revision. [Report]

DS-1995-12: Mikulás, Szabolcs (1995) Taming Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-32: Milanese, Gian Carlo (2018) An exploration of closure ordinals in the modal μ-calculus. [Pre-print]

DS-2011-08: Minica, Stefan (2011) Dynamic Logic of Questions. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-20: Mojica, Laura (2014) Anxiety: A Grammatical Investigation. [Report]

MoL-2018-02: Molenaar, Laura S. (2018) Quine and Loglan: the Influence of Philosophical Ideas on the Creation of a Logical Language. [Pre-print]

DS-1996-02: Montanari, Angelo (1996) Metric and Layered Temporal Logic for Time Granularity. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-13: Moon, Stella (2017) Isaacson's thesis and Wilkie's theorem. [Report]

MoL-2023-12: Mora, Raúl Ruiz (2023) Team Semantics for Modal mu-Calculus. [Report]

MoL-2021-17: Motamed, Nima (2021) Multivalued Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Multiagent Systems and Multiplayer Games. [Report]

MoL-2015-03: Močnik, Maša (2015) Slovenian Perfective and Imperfective Explicit Performative Utterances. [Report]

MoL-2018-13: Mul, Mathijs S. (2018) Recognizing Logical Entailment: Reasoning with Recursive and Recurrent Neural Networks. [Report]

MoL-2018-19: Möller Kalpak, Hana (2018) Inquisitive Logical Triviality and Grammar. [Report]

MoL-2024-16: Müller, Michael A. (2024) Arguing with Doubt. [Report]

MoL-2023-26: Müller, Valentin (2023) On the Proof Theory of Inquisitive Logic. [Report]


DS-2008-08: Nauze, Fabrice (2008) Modality in Typological Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-03: Nelissen, Pelle (2024) Consistent Judgment Aggregation in Liquid Democracy: Utilizing Delegation Structure in the Ranked Agenda Rule. [Report]

PP-2017-02: Niekus, Joop (2017) What is a choice sequence? How a solution of Troelstra's paradox shows the way to an answer to this question. [Pre-print]

DS-1997-03: Nieuwendijk, Arthur (1997) On Logic. Inquiries into the Justification of Deduction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2006-07: Nilsenova, Marie (2006) Rises and Falls. Studies in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Intonation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-05: Nizzardo, Matteo (2018) Leibniz's Principle and the Problem of Nonindividuality. [Pre-print]

MoL-2015-10: Noble, Bill (2015) All together now... This time with meaning: A hierarchical lexicon for semantic coordination. [Report]

MoL-2016-19: Novaro, Arianna (2016) Judgment Aggregation in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments. [Report]


MoL-2016-25: Occhipinti Liberman, Andrés (2016) Dynamic Evidence Logics with Relational Evidence. [Report]

MoL-2021-27: Oddsson, Hrafn Valtýr (2021) Paradefinite Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory: A Theory of Inconsistent and Incomplete Sets. [Report]

MoL-2014-19: Olsen, Jessica (2014) Would You Believe That? The Prerogative of Assent and Utility of Disagreement. [Report]

MoL-2019-05: Oortwijn, Yvette (2019) Dynamic Set Theory. [Report]

MoL-2021-24: Osinski, Jonathan (2021) Symbiosis and Compactness Properties. [Pre-print]

MoL-2022-21: Osso, Gian Marco (2022) Some results on the Generalized Weihrauch Hierarchy. [Report]

MoL-2022-27: Otten, Daniël D. (2022) De Jongh’s Theorem for Type Theory. [Report]

MoL-2022-18: Oudshoorn, Anouk Michelle (2022) Cost Fixed Point Logic. [Report]

MoL-2019-15: O’Connell, David (2019) Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes. [Report]


MoL-2015-07: Paping, Babette (2015) A game theoretic approach to cost allocation in the Dutch electricity grid. [Report]

MoL-2015-16: Pasotti, Pietro (2015) Chisholm's Paradox in Action Deontic Logics. [Report]

MoL-2017-21: Pasquariello, Alison (2017) Mohawk Temporality: Embodiment, Ritual, and Cognition. [Report]

PP-2019-05: Passmann, Robert (2019) The de Jongh property for bounded constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

MoL-2016-03: Pastan, Stephen (2016) Another Approach to Truthmaker Semantics. [Report]

DS-2023-01: Patro, Subhasree (2023) Quantum Fine-Grained Complexity. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2001-10: Pauly, Marc (2001) Logic for Social Software. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-03: Paßmann, Robert (2023) Logical Structure of Constructive Set Theories. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-03: Paßmann, Robert (2018) Loyalty and Faithfulness of Model Constructions for Constructive Set Theory. [Report]

MoL-2022-03: Peng, Zichen (2022) Simultaneous Substitution Algebras. [Pre-print]

MoL-2018-15: Pesetsky, Jonathan (2018) Factual Conditionals and Hypothetical Commitments. [Report]

DS-2021-14: Piedrafita, Álvaro (2021) On Span Programs and Quantum Algorithms. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2017-02: Pinosio, Riccardo (2017) The Logic of Kant's Temporal Continuum. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2024-11: Pinto Prieto, Daira (2024) Combining Uncertain Evidence: Logic and Complexity. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-11: Pinton, Lorenzo (2021) You may like or dislike this thesis, and I do care which. An inquiry into sluicing and free choice. [Report]

MoL-2017-17: Piribauer, Jakob (2017) The Modal Logic of Generic Multiverses. [Report]

MoL-2024-01: Pohlmann, Max (2024) Analytic Nondualism: Why Reality is Objectively Subjective. [Report]

PP-2010-05: Porello, Daniele and Endriss, Ulle (2010) Modelling Combinatorial Auctions in Linear Logic. [Report]

PP-2010-15: Porello, Daniele and Endriss, Ulle (2010) Modelling Multilateral Negotiation in Linear Logic. [Report]

MoL-2019-19: Posdijk, Wouter (2019) The influence of the simplicity/informativeness trade-off on the sematic typology of quantifiers. [Report]

DS-1995-02: Prijatelj, Andreja (1995) Investigating Bounded Contraction. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

LP-1989-06: Prijatelj, Andreja (1989) Intensional Lambek Calculi: Theory and Application. [Report]

PP-2019-31: Proietti, Carlo and Grossi, Davide and Smets, Sonja and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2019) Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks, Modal Logic and Semantic Paradoxes Authors. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-07: Proietti, Carlo and Yuste-Ginel, Antonio (2020) Persuasive Argumentation and Epistemic Attitudes. [Pre-print]

MoL-2018-33: Proroković, Krsto (2018) Learning to Decide a Formal Language: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach. [Report]


MoL-2014-06: Qing, Ciyang (2014) Quantiative Social-Cognitive Experimental Pragmatics. [Report]

MoL-2019-25: Quadrellaro, Davide Emilio (2019) Lattices of DNA-Logics and Algebraic Semantics of Inquisitive Logic. [Report]


DS-2022-03: Ramotowska, Sonia (2022) Quantifying quantifier representations: Experimental studies, computational modeling, and individual differences. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2015-32: Ramírez Abarca, Aldo Iván (2015) Topological Models for Group Knowledge and Belief. [Report]

MoL-2018-17: Rapp, Max (2018) Hybrid Logics for Arguments, Beliefs, and their Dynamics. [Report]

MoL-2024-11: Renata, Alyssa (2024) Homotopy Theory of Computable Spaces. [Report]

MoL-2017-28: Repplinger, Michael (2017) Understanding Generalization: Learning Quantifiers and Negation with Neural Tensor Networks. [Report]

DS-2023-09: Rey, Simon (2023) Variations on Participatory Budgeting. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2020-18: Rey, Simon and Endriss, Ulle and de Haan, Ronald (2020) Designing Participatory Budgeting Mechanisms Grounded in Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print]

MoL-2023-22: Ripoll Echeveste, Xavier (2023) Alternative Impredicative Encodings of Inductive Types. [Report]

DS-2014-04: Rodenhäuser, Ben (2014) A Matter of Trust: Dynamic Attitudes in Epistemic Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2011-37: Roelofsen, Floris (2011) An inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic. [Report]

MoL-2022-12: Romanovskiy, Vasily (2022) "A-ha, I hadn’t thought of that": the Bayesian Problem of Awareness Growth. [Report]

DS-2024-01: Rooduijn, Jan (2024) Fragments and Frame Classes: Towards a Uniform Proof Theory for Modal Fixed Point Logics. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-34: Rooduijn, Jan (2018) A right semimodel structure on semisimplicial sets. [Pre-print]

PP-2020-09: Rooduijn, Jan and Venema, Yde (2020) Completeness for axiomatic extensions of modal logic with the master modality. [Pre-print] (Unpublished)

MoL-2019-28: Rosella, Giuliano (2019) A Truthmaker Semantics Approach to Modal Logic. [Report]

DS-2008-03: Roy, Olivier (2008) Thinking before Acting: Intentions, Logic, Rational Choice. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2022-28: Rushbrooke, Thibault (2023) Taming the Infinity Quantifier: On Well-Behaved Fragments of First-Order Logic with the Quantifier 'There are Infinitely Many'. [Report]


MoL-2022-26: Samwel, Rover Junior (2022) Explorations in Coalgebraic Predicate Logic (With a Focus on Interpolation). [Report]

HDS-17: Sanchez, Victor (2016) Studies on Natural Logic and Categorial Grammar. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2020-07: Sandoval, Ana Lucia Vargas (2020) On the Path to the Truth: Logical & Computational Aspects of Learning. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2015-27: Sandoval, Ana Lucia Vargas (2015) Learning Deductive Reasoning. [Report]

MoL-2019-09: Santamaría Legarda, David (2019) Defending Classes. [Report]

MoL-2016-06: Santoli, Thomas (2016) Logics for Compact Hausdorff Spaces via de Vries Duality. [Report]

DS-2006-08: Sarenac, Darko (2006) Products of Topological Modal Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2001-07: Sasaki, Katsumi (2001) Logics and Provability. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-07: Scha, Remko (2014) Logical Foundations for Question Answering. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1994-01: Schellinx, Harold (1994) The Noble Art of Linear Decorating. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2020-01: Schiaffino, Federico (2020) Memory, Time and Language: A Mental Time Travel Model in a Narrative Discourse. [Pre-print]

DS-2018-07: Schlöder, Julian (2018) Assertion and Rejection. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-09: Schlöder, Julian J. (2014) Uptake, Clarification and Argumentation. [Report]

MoL-2022-08: Schmidtlein, Marie Christin (2022) Voting by Axioms. [Report]

MoL-2018-21: Schmitt, Marvin (2018) CRISP: a semantics for focus-sensitive particles in questions. [Report]

MoL-2021-15: Schoen, Ezra (2021) Relation Lifting and Coalgebraic Logic. [Report]

MoL-2023-05: Scholz, Christian Oliver (2023) Imaginability as Representability: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Aphantasia. [Report]

MoL-2016-20: Schoonen, Tom (2016) Thinking the Impossible Arguments for Impossible Worlds in Semantics. [Report]

MoL-2020-08: Schönlank, Tex Aston Felix (2020) Syntactic logical relations for System F with recursive types and call-by-name semantics. [Report]

DS-2024-05: Seifan, Fatemeh (2024) Coalgebraic fixpoint logic Expressivity and completeness result. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

MoL-2024-15: Seip, Paul (2024) A Constructive Small Object Argument. [Report]

DS-2006-06: Sevenster, Merlijn (2006) Branches of imperfect information: logic, games, and computation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2007-29: Sevenster, Merlijn (2007) A strategic perspective on IF games. [Report]

DS-1994-07: Shavrukov, V. Yu. (1994) Adventures in Diagonalizable Algebras. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2019-06: Shavrukov, V. Yu. (2019) R.e. prime powers and total rigidity. [Pre-print]

DS-2018-10: Shi, Chenwei (2018) Reason to Believe. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2017-18: Shi, Chenwei and Smets, Sonja and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2017) Argument-based Belief in Topological Structures. [Pre-print]

MoL-2021-16: Siemers, Maximilian (2021) Hyperintensional Logics for Evidence, Knowledge and Belief. [Report]

MoL-2023-17: Sierra Miranda, Borja (2023) On the Provability Logic of Constructive Arithmetic: The Σ_1-provability logics of fragments of Heyting Arithmetic. [Report]

DS-2012-11: Sietsma, Floor (2012) Logics of Communication and Knowledge. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1999-02: Sima'an, Khalil (1999) Learning efficient disambiguation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-25: Sippel, Jonathan Frederik (2017) The Good, the Bad, and the Difficult Complexity in a Monotonicity-Grounded Natural Logic for Reasoning with Generalized Quantifiers. [Report]

MoL-2019-01: Smaal, Kyah Elisabeth Mercedes (2019) Strategic manipulation in voting under higher-order reasoning. [Report]

PP-2017-17: Smets, Sonja and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2017) The Creation and Change of Social Networks: a logical study based on group size. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2017-16: Smets, Sonja and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2017) How to Make Friends: A Logical Approach to Social Group Creation. [Pre-print]

MoL-2021-13: Smiles, John Fergus William (2021) Learning Deterministic Finite Automata with Signed Examples: An Investigation into the Role of Entropy in Optimal Model Selection. [Report]

MoL-2024-12: Smit, Wouter (2024) Axiomatising Protocol-Dependent Knowledge in Gossip. [Report]

MoL-2022-13: Soeteman, Arie W. (2022) Artificial Understanding. [Report]

DS-2021-07: Solaki, Anthia (2021) Logical Models for Bounded Reasoners. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2019-24: Solaki, Anthia (2019) Rule-based Reasoners in Epistemic Logic. [Pre-print]

MoL-2017-12: Solaki, Anthia (2017) Steps out of Logical Omniscience. [Report]

PP-2019-25: Solaki, Anthia (2019) A dynamic epistemic logic for resource-bounded agents. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-12: Solaki, Anthia and Berto, Francesco and Smets, Sonja (2019) The Logic of Fast and Slow Thinking. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2018-18: Solaki, Anthia and Smets, Sonja (2018) The effort of reasoning: modelling the inference steps of boundedly rational agents. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-26: Solaki, Anthia and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2019) Towards a logical formalisation of Theory of Mind: a study on False Belief Tasks. [Pre-print] (In Press)

DS-2024-06: Sotáková, Jana (2024) Isogenies and Cryptography. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2015-04: Sourabh, Sumit (2015) Correspondence and Canonicity in Non-Classical Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-14: Spaan, Edith (2016) Complexity of Modal Logics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-15: Sparkes, Benjamin (2016) Inquisitive Conditional-Doxastic Logic. [Report]

MoL-2024-04: Spencer-Piacentini, Fiona (2024) Wondering about Mood in Romance: the view from Italian inquisitive predicates. [Report]

DS-2007-02: Spiro, Neta (2007) What contributes to the perception of musical phrases in western classical music? Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2017-05: Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane Noah (2017) Communication and Computation: New Questions About Compositionality. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-27: Streekstra, Leanne M. (2016) On the stability of flexible permission structures. [Report]

PP-2005-14: Sustretov, Dmitry (2005) Hybrid Definability in Topological Spaces. [Report]

MoL-2020-02: Sven Hugo, Cornets de Groot (2020) Logical systems with left-sequential versions of NAND and XOR. [Pre-print]

DS-2009-01: Szymanik, Jakub (2009) Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.


MoL-2017-09: Talmina, Natalia (2017) Quantifiers and verification strategies: connecting the dots (literally). [Report]

DS-2001-08: Tamminga, Allard (2001) Belief Dynamics. (Epistemo)logical Investigations. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2017-05: Terzopoulou, Zoi (2017) Manipulating the Manipulators: Richer Models of Strategic Behavior in Judgment Aggregation. [Report]

PP-2020-20: Terzopoulou, Zoi (2020) Quota Rules for Incomplete Judgments. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-19: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Aggregating Incomplete Pairwise Preferences by Weight. [Pre-print]

PP-2018-04: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2018) Modelling Iterative Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-28: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Neutrality and Relative Acceptability in Judgment Aggregation. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-20: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Optimal Truth-Tracking Rules for the Aggregation of Incomplete Judgments. [Pre-print]

PP-2019-17: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Rethinking the Neutrality Axiom in Judgment Aggregation (Extended Abstract). [Pre-print]

PP-2019-18: Terzopoulou, Zoi and Endriss, Ulle (2019) Strategyproof Judgment Aggregation under Partial Information. [Pre-print] (In Press)

MoL-2014-07: Theiler, Nadine (2014) A Multitude of Answers: Embedded Questions in Typed Inquisitive Semantics. [Report]

MoL-2023-36: Thul, Jonathan (2023) The Logical Dynamics of Social Networks: From Homophily to Polarization. [Report]

HDS-36: Torenvliet, Leen (2023) Structured Concepts in Relativised Hierarchies. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

X-2017-01: Trehan, Vidhi and Laloi, Aude and van Hoolwerff, Richard and Borensztajn, Gideon and Moas, Gal (2017) The Suppression Task Revisited. [Report]

X-2018-02: Troelstra, A.S. (2018) Corrections to some Publications. [Report]

DS-2010-01: Tsarfaty, Reut (2010) Relational-Realizational Parsing. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-09: Tsiaxiras, Jason (2021) Strategic Voting under Incomplete Information in Approval-Based Committee Elections. [Report]

PP-2006-47: Tulenheimo, Tero and Sevenster, Merlijn (2006) Approaches to Independence Friendly Modal Logic. [Report]

MoL-2018-16: Turska, Julia Joanna (2018) Conceptual Relativism and Linguistic Anthropology: How to comprehend the incomprehensible? [Report]

MoL-2016-21: Tuyt, Olim F. (2016) Canonical Rules on Neighbourhood Frames. [Report]

MoL-2005-03: Tzanis, Evangelos (2005) Algebraizing Hybrid Logic. [Report]

X-2013-01: Tzimoulis, Apostolos and Zhao, Zhiguang (2013) The Universal Model for the Negation-free Fragment of IPC. [Report]

X-2022-01: ten Cate, Balder (2022) Lyndon Interpolation for Modal Logic via Type Elimination Sequences. [Report]

DS-2005-01: ten Cate, Balder David (2005) Model theory for extended modal languages. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2004-27: ten Cate, Balder (2004) The first order formulas preserved under ultrafilter extensions are not recursively enumerable. [Report]

PP-2004-32: ten Cate, Balder and Franceschet, Massimo (2004) Guarded fragments with constants. [Report]

PP-2007-39: ten Cate, Balder and Litak, Tadeusz (2007) The importance of being discrete. [Report]

MoL-2023-20: ten Wolde, Noortje Catelijn (2023) The Nature of Quantum Information. [Report]


DS-2009-04: Uckelman, Sara L. (2009) Modalities in Medieval Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2008-51: Uckelman, Sara L. (2008) Logic and the condemnations of 1277. [Report]

PP-2009-28: Uckelman, Sara L. (2009) The reception of Saint Anselm's logic in the 20th and 21st centuries. [Report]

PP-2007-16: Uckelman, Sara L. and Uckelman, Joel (2007) Modal and Temporal Logics for Abstract Space-Time Structures. [Report]

X-2009-04: Uckelman, Sara L. and van Ormondt, Peter and Gorisse, Marie-Hélène and Keiff, Laurent and Clerbout, Nicolas (2009) A Day of Indian Logic. [Report]


MoL-2024-13: Van Santvliet, Hannah (2024) Parameterizing the Notion of Automatability in Proof Complexity. [Report]

DS-2019-01: Vaquero, Carlos (2019) What Makes A Performer Unique? Idiosyncrasies and commonalities in expressive music performance. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-06: Varricchione, Giovanni (2021) Complexity of Locally Fair Allocations on Graphs. [Report]

MoL-2015-25: Vecht, Joost (2015) Categorical Structuralism and the Foundations of Mathematics. [Report]

DS-2011-02: Velazquez-Quesada, Fernando Raymundo (2011) Small steps in dynamics of information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-24: Veldman, Wim (2017) Investigations in Intuitionistic Hierarchy Theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-02: Veltman, Frank (2012) Logics for Conditionals. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2017-07: Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2017) Reliability-Based Preference Dynamics: Lexicographic Upgrade. [Pre-print] (In Press)

IV-03: Venema, Yde (2014) Algebra en Coalgebra: bespiegelingen in de logica (Inaugural). [Report]

HDS-04: Venema, Yde (2013) Many-Dimensional Modal Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2002-11: Venema, Yde (2002) Atomless Varieties. [Report]

PP-2004-21: Venema, Yde (2004) Automata and Fixed Point Logic: a Coalgebraic Perspective. [Report]

PP-2002-10: Venema, Yde (2002) Duals of subdirectly irreducible modal algebras. [Report]

DS-1993-03: Verbrugge, Rineke (1993) Efficient Metamathematics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2002-06: Vermeulen, Ivar (2002) A Logical Approach to Competition in Industries. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-1995-11: Viol, W.P.M. Meyer (1995) Instantial Logic. An Investigation into Reasoning with Instances. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-22: Visser, Albert (2017) Aspects of Diagonalization & Provability. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2018-18: Viterbo Ferreira, Jorge (2018) The Problem of Counterpossibles. [Report]

MoL-2020-16: Vogelmann, Valentin (2020) Statistical Methodology for Quantitative Linguistics: A Case Study of Learnability and Zipf’s Law. [Report]

MoL-2019-17: Vollmer, Michael (2019) On Logical Nihilism. [Report]

MoL-2021-08: Vonlanthen, Simon Dominik (2021) Natural Language and Logical Consequence: An Inferentialist Account. [Report]

DS-2010-10: Vosmaer, Jacob (2010) Logic, Algebra and Topology. Investigations into canonical extensions, duality theory and point-free topology. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2007-02: Vosmaer, Jacob (2007) Essentially Sigma-1 formulae in Sigma L. [Report]

MoL-2022-25: Vrijbergen, Pepijn (2022) Validity, Logic, and Models. [Report]

MoL-2015-02: Vyšniauskas, Ignas (2015) $\pi_{dist}$: Towards a Typed $\pi$-calculus for Distributed Programming Languages. [Report]

PP-2012-07: Väänänen, Jouko and Wang, Tong (2012) Internal Categoricity in Arithmetic and Set Theory. [Report]

X-2019-02: van Benthem, Johan (2019) Inventory Scientific Archive 1961-2017, 2017–2022. [Report]

HDS-06: van Benthem, Johan (2014) Modal Correspondence Theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

PP-2022-03: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick (2022) Modal structures in groups and vector spaces. [Pre-print]

PP-2021-10: van Benthem, Johan and Icard, Thomas (2021) Interfacing Logic and Counting. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2022-02: van Benthem, Johan and Li, Lei and Shi, Chenwei and Yin, Haoxuan (2022) Hybrid sabotage Modal Logic. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2021-03: van Benthem, Johan (2021) An Abstract Look at the Fixed-Point Theorem for Provability Logic. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2007-10: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Actions that Make us Know. [Report]

PP-2017-22: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Against All Odds: When Logic Meets Probability. [Pre-print] (In Press)

X-2009-01: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Argumentation through the Lense of Artificial Intelligence. [Report]

PP-2008-05: van Benthem, Johan (2008) A Brief History of Natural Logic. [Report]

PP-2009-08: van Benthem, Johan (2009) CRS and Guarded Logics, a fruitful contact. [Report]

PP-2003-20: van Benthem, Johan (2003) The Categorial Fine-Structure of Natural Language. [Report]

PP-2003-08: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Categorial Grammar at a Cross-Roads. [Report]

PP-2009-44: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Categorial versus Modal Information Theory. [Report]

PP-2003-09: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Conditional Probability and Update Logic. [Report]

PP-2017-21: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Constructive Agents. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2009-07: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Decisions, Actions, and Games: a logical perspective. [Report]

PP-2006-11: van Benthem, Johan (2006) Dynamic Logic of Belief Revision. [Report]

X-2008-01: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Een Postzegel vol Logica. [Report]

PP-2005-20: van Benthem, Johan (2005) Epistemic Logic and Epistemology, the state of their affairs. [Report]

PP-2003-04: van Benthem, Johan (2003) The Epistemic Logic of IF Games. [Report]

X-2011-05: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Epistemic Logic: Five Questions Interview. [Report]

PP-2011-20: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Exploring a Theory of Play. [Report]

PP-2016-01: van Benthem, Johan (2016) Fanning the Flames of Reason. [Report]

X-2005-03: van Benthem, Johan (2005) A Farewell to Loneliness: dynamic trends in logic to-day. [Report]

PP-2016-40: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Feeling the Rythms of a Field. [Pre-print]

PP-2008-16: van Benthem, Johan (2008) For Better of for Worse: Dynamic Logics of Preference. [Report]

PP-2009-06: van Benthem, Johan (2009) The Great Art of Modeling. [Report]

PP-2005-07: van Benthem, Johan (2005) Guards, Bounds, and Generalized Semantics. [Report]

PP-2009-47: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Horror Contradictionis. [Report]

PP-2013-02: van Benthem, Johan (2013) Implicit and Explicit Stances in Logic. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2008-03: van Benthem, Johan (2008) In Praise of Strategies. [Report]

PP-2007-06: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Inference in Action. [Report]

PP-2008-09: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Information Update as Social Choice. [Report]

PP-2006-07: van Benthem, Johan (2006) Information as Correlation versus Information as Range. [Report]

PP-2008-37: van Benthem, Johan (2008) The Information in Intuitionistic Logic. [Report]

X-2007-01: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Intelligent Interaction: Dynamic Trends in Todays Logic. [Report]

X-2007-02: van Benthem, Johan (2007) An Interview on Logic and Games. [Report]

PP-2008-01: van Benthem, Johan (2008) An Interview on the Philosophy of Information. [Report]

PP-2003-03: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Is There Still Logic in Bolzano's Key? [Report]

PP-2007-07: van Benthem, Johan (2007) LOGIC GAMES: from tools to models of interaction. [Report]

PP-2021-04: van Benthem, Johan (2021) Lof der Onmogelijkheid. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2015-11: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Logic and Philosophy, a Sea of Stories. [Report]

PP-2007-03: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Logic and Reasoning: Do the Facts Matter? [Report]

PP-2003-21: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Logic and the Dynamics of Information. [Report]

PP-2011-25: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Logic between Expressivity and Complexity. [Report]

PP-2016-27: van Benthem, Johan (2016) Logic in Play. [Report]

PP-2011-22: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Logic in a Social Setting. [Report]

PP-2009-48: van Benthem, Johan (2009) The Logic of Empirical Theories Revisited. [Report]

PP-2011-26: van Benthem, Johan (2011) Logic, Mathematics, and General Agency. [Report]

PP-2008-06: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Logic, Rational Agency, and Intelligent Interaction. [Report]

PP-2013-05: van Benthem, Johan (2013) Logica en recht: naar een rijkere relatie. [Report]

PP-2008-33: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Logical Pluralism Meets Logical Dynamics? [Report]

PP-2007-05: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Man Muss Immer Umkehren. [Report]

PP-2008-07: van Benthem, Johan (2008) The Many Faces of Interpolation. [Report]

PP-2008-36: van Benthem, Johan (2008) Merging Observation and Access in Dynamic Logic. [Report]

PP-2004-02: van Benthem, Johan (2004) A Mini-Guide to Logic In Action. [Report]

PP-2015-19: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Minimal Deontic Logics. [Report]

PP-2012-21: van Benthem, Johan (2012) Modeling Reasoning in a Social Setting. [Report]

PP-2012-26: van Benthem, Johan (2012) The Nets of Reason. [Report]

PP-2003-01: van Benthem, Johan (2003) A Note on Modeling Theories. [Report]

PP-2003-07: van Benthem, Johan (2003) 'One is a Lonely Number': on the Logic of Communication. [Report]

PP-2016-03: van Benthem, Johan (2016) The Open Course Logic in Action. [Report]

PP-2005-06: van Benthem, Johan (2005) Open Problems in Logical Dynamics. [Report]

PP-2015-10: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Oscillations, Logic, and Dynamical Systems. [Report]

PP-2015-20: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Possible Worlds Semantics for Classical Logic. [Report]

PP-2003-06: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Rational Dynamics and Epistemic Logic in Games. [Report]

PP-2006-59: van Benthem, Johan (2006) Rationalizations and Promises in Games. [Report]

PP-2013-01: van Benthem, Johan (2013) Reasoning about Strategies. [Report]

PP-2021-02: van Benthem, Johan (2021) Relational Patterns, Partiality, and Set Lifting in Modal Semantics. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2009-34: van Benthem, Johan (2009) Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the course of modal logic. [Report]

PP-2017-26: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Semantic Perspectives in Logic. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2007-04: van Benthem, Johan (2007) Situation Calculus Meets Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2012-22: van Benthem, Johan (2012) Some Thoughts on the Logic of Strategies. [Report]

PP-2003-02: van Benthem, Johan (2003) Structural Properties of Dynamic Reasoning. [Report]

PP-2016-30: van Benthem, Johan (2016) Tales from an Old Manuscript. [Report]

PP-2015-01: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Talking about Knowledge. [Report]

PP-2008-08: van Benthem, Johan (2008) 'Tell It Like It Is': information flow in logic. [Report]

PP-2015-06: van Benthem, Johan (2015) Those Who Must Do It: the Agency of Language. [Report]

PP-2016-02: van Benthem, Johan (2016) Tracking Information. [Report]

PP-2016-41: van Benthem, Johan (2016) "Transmissie, Emergentie en Fading Foundations", a commentary. [Pre-print]

X-2017-02: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Truth Maker Semantics and Modal Information Logic. [Report]

PP-2012-23: van Benthem, Johan (2012) Two Logical Faces of Belief Revision. [Report]

PP-2013-06: van Benthem, Johan (2013) Untimely Review, Bernard Bolzano's "Wissenschaftslehre" of 1837. [Report]

PP-2019-01: van Benthem, Johan (2019) Vistas from a Drop of Water. [Pre-print]

PP-2003-05: van Benthem, Johan (2003) What Logic Games are Trying to Tell Us. [Report]

PP-2003-22: van Benthem, Johan (2003) What One May Come to Know. [Report]

PP-2017-24: van Benthem, Johan (2017) Working with Jan in Four Movements. [Pre-print]

PP-2004-15: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Guram and ten Cate, Balder and Sarenac, Darko (2004) Modal Logics for Products of Topologies. [Report]

PP-2019-13: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick (2019) Modern faces of filtration. [Pre-print]

PP-2017-23: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian (2017) IPDL: a new modal logic of computation. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2017-25: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian (2017) A New Game Equivalence and Its Modal Logic. [Pre-print]

PP-2018-06: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian (2018) A new game equivalence, its logic and algebra. [Pre-print]

PP-2018-01: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian (2018) A propositional dynamic logic for instantial neighborhood semantics. [Pre-print]

PP-2015-17: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Enqvist, Sebastian and Yu, Junhua (2015) Instantial neighbourhood logic. [Report]

PP-2011-21: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Hodkinson, Ian (2011) Sahlqvist Correspondence for Modal Mu-Calculus. [Report]

PP-2016-04: van Benthem, Johan and Bezhanishvili, Nick and Holliday, Wesley H. (2016) A bimodal perspective on possibility semantics. [Report]

PP-2006-30: van Benthem, Johan and Blackburn, Patrick (2006) Modal Logic: A Semantic Perspective. [Report]

PP-2008-30: van Benthem, Johan and Bonnay, Denis (2008) Modal Logic and Invariance. [Report]

PP-2012-25: van Benthem, Johan and Duque, David Fernández and Pacuit, Eric (2012) Evidence Logic: A New Look at Neighborhood Structures. [Report]

PP-2008-17: van Benthem, Johan and Dègremont, Cedric (2008) Building bridges between dynamic and temporal doxastic logics. [Report]

PP-2008-34: van Benthem, Johan and Dégrémont, Cédric (2008) Multi-agent Belief Dynamics: Bridges between Dynamic Doxastic and Doxastic Temporal Logics. [Report]

PP-2011-31: van Benthem, Johan and Dégrémont, Cédric (2011) Multi-agent belief dynamics: bridges between dynamic doxastic and doxastic temporal logics. [Report]

PP-2008-35: van Benthem, Johan and Gerbrandy, Jelle and Hoshi, Tomohiro and Pacuit, Eric (2008) Merging Frameworks for Interaction. [Report]

PP-2006-21: van Benthem, Johan and Gerbrandy, Jelle and Kooi, Barteld (2006) Dynamic Update with Probabilities. [Report]

PP-2007-26: van Benthem, Johan and Ghosh, Sujata and Liu, Fenrong (2007) Modelling Simultaneous Games with Dynamic Logic. [Report]

PP-2011-02: van Benthem, Johan and Grossi, Davide (2011) Normal Forms for Priority Graphs. [Report]

PP-2011-29: van Benthem, Johan and Grossi, Davide and Liu, Fenrong (2011) On the Two Faces of Deontics: Semantic Betterness and Syntactic Priority. [Report]

PP-2008-19: van Benthem, Johan and Ikegami, Daisuke (2008) Modal Fixed-Point Logic and Changing Models. [Report]

PP-2019-04: van Benthem, Johan and Klein, Dominik (2019) Logics for Analyzing Games. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2011-24: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2011) Deontic Logic and Changing Preferences. [Report]

PP-2015-02: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2015) Deontic Logic and Preference Change. [Report]

PP-2004-13: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2004) Diversity of Logical Agents in Games. [Report]

PP-2006-45: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2006) Dynamic logic of preference upgrade. [Report]

PP-2019-03: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2019) Graph Games and Logic Design. [Pre-print] (Submitted)

PP-2020-14: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2020) New Logical Perspectives on Monotonicity. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2015-07: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong (2015) Where is Logic Going? [Report]

PP-2019-11: van Benthem, Johan and Liu, Fenrong and Smets, Sonja (2019) Logico-Computational Aspects of Rationality. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2008-04: van Benthem, Johan and Martinez, Maricarmen (2008) The Stories of Logic and Information. [Report]

PP-2019-27: van Benthem, Johan and Mierzewski, Krzysztof and Zaffora Blando, Francesca (2019) The Modal Logic of Stepwise Removal. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2009-32: van Benthem, Johan and Minica, Stefan (2009) Toward a Dynamic Logic of Questions. [Report]

PP-2012-28: van Benthem, Johan and Pacuit, Eric (2012) Connecting Logics of Choice and Change. [Report]

PP-2011-19: van Benthem, Johan and Pacuit, Eric (2011) Dynamic Logics of Evidence-Based Beliefs. [Report]

PP-2004-20: van Benthem, Johan and Sarenac, Darko (2004) The Geometry of Knowledge. [Report]

PP-2015-05: van Benthem, Johan and Smets, Sonja (2015) Dynamic Logics of Belief Change. [Report]

PP-2011-30: van Benthem, Johan and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando (2011) The Dynamics of Awareness. [Report]

PP-2009-43: van Benthem, Johan and Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (2009) Inference, Promotion, and the Dynamics of Awareness. [Report]

PP-2019-07: van Benthem, Johan and Westerstähl, Dag (2019) Generalized Quantifiers Meet Modal Neighborhood Semantics. [Pre-print] (In Press)

X-2016-05: van Benthem, Johan and Yafeng, Wang (2016) Notes on Mathematical Modal Logic. [Report]

PP-2016-29: van Benthem, Johan and and Wesley H. Holliday, Nick Bezhanishvili (2016) A Bimodal Perspective on Possibility Semantics. [Report]

PP-2011-23: van Benthem, Johan and van Ditmarsch, Hans and Minica, Stefan (2011) Question-Answer Games. [Report]

MoL-2015-17: van Berkel, Kees (2015) Kant's Logic in the Critique of Practical Reason. [Report]

HDS-41: van Dantzig, David (2024) Studien over Topologische Algebra. Doctoral thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

DS-2000-06: van Ditmarsch, Hans (2000) Knowledge Games. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2000-01: van Ditmarsch, H.P. (2000) Dynamic Knowledge Logic. [Report]

PP-2019-22: van Emde Boas, Peter and van Emde Boas-Lubsen, Ghica (2019) The Rules of Victorious Warriors - revised version. [Pre-print] (In Press)

PP-2019-23: van Emde Boas-Lubsen, Ghica and Zhao, Bonan and van Emde Boas, Peter (2019) Sun Tzu and the Rules of Victorious Warriors; Analysing the rules of Sun Tzu using Mind maps. [Pre-print]

DS-2020-13: van Gessel, Thom (2020) Questions in Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2016-12: van Gessel, Thom (2016) Action Models in Inquisitive Logic. [Report]

MoL-2022-09: van Harskamp, Jasmijn (2022) The National Contests Behind International Success: A Musical Comparison of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Festival di Sanremo and the Melodifestivalen. [Report]

MoL-2015-20: van Lee, Hanna Sofie (2015) The Reliability of Scientific Communities: a Logical Analysis. [Report]

MoL-2018-24: van Oostveen, Lucy (2018) What You Know About People’s Preferences Matters: Investigating simpler notions of partial information in the context of strategic manipulation in voting. [Report]

DS-2005-05: van Otterloo, Sieuwert (2005) A Strategic Analysis of Multi-agent Protocols. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

HDS-35: van Rooy, Robert (2023) Attitudes and Changing Contexts. Doctoral thesis, University of Stuttgart.

MoL-2019-02: van Stigt, Daan (2019) Neural language models with latent syntax. [Report]

X-2022-05: van Ulsen, Paul (2022) Bibliografie E.W. Beth. [Report]

DS-2000-04: van Ulsen, Paul (2000) E.W. Beth als logicus. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2022-02: van Ulsen, Paul (2022) Onderwijs en onderzoek in logica en wetenschapsfilosofie. [Report]

X-2022-04: van Ulsen, Paul (2022) Organisaties en genootschappen. [Report]

X-2022-03: van Ulsen, Paul (2022) Wetenschapsfilosofie. [Report]

MoL-2014-21: van Weegen, Lara Elise (2014) Informational cascades under variable reliability assessments: A formal and empirical investigation. [Report]

MoL-2018-04: van Wier, Jeroen (2018) Quantum Plaintext Non-Malleability. [Report]

MoL-2015-26: van Wijk, Suzanne (2015) Coalitions in Epistemic Planning. [Report]

MoL-2021-02: van Woerkom, Wijnand Koen (2021) Algebraic models of type theory. [Report]

MoL-2018-01: van den Berg, Line (2018) Unreliable Gossip. [Report]

MoL-2018-26: van den Broek, Max (2018) You Don't Believe This Is The Title Moore's Paradox and its relation to the Surprise Exam Paradox, the Knowability Paradox, the Toxin Problem and Newcomb’s Problem. [Report]

HDS-38: van den Dries, Lou (2024) Model Theory of Fields: Decidability and Bounds for Polynomial Ideals. Doctoral thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.

MoL-2019-03: van den Heuvel, Bas (2019) The Logic of Fault-Tolerance in Message-Passing Concurrency. [Report]

MoL-2021-26: van der Kamp, Luca (2021) The Epistemic Logic of Full Communication and Social Networks: An Analysis of Mediation and Network Formation. [Report]

MoL-2017-23: van der Knaap, Guido (2017) The Philosophical Motivation for Proof-Theoretic Harmony. [Report]


MoL-2017-15: Wagemaker, Jana (2017) Gossip in NetKAT. [Report]

MoL-2015-23: Wagner, Eileen (2015) Superplural Logic. [Report]

DS-1995-04: Wang, Dejuan (1995) Study on the Formal Semantics of Pictures. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2010-06: Wang, Yanjing (2010) Epistemic Modelling and Protocol Dynamics. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-07: Wang, Yiyan (2023) Collective Agency: From Philosophical and Logical Perspectives. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2023-32: Wang, Yunsong (2023) General Topological Frames for Polymodal Provability Logic. [Report]

MoL-2017-22: Wang, Shuai (2017) Turing Learning with Nash Memory. [Report]

LP-1989-07: Wansing, Heinrich (1989) The Adequacy Problem for Sequential Propositional Logic. [Report]

DS-2000-01: Wassermann, Renata (2000) Resource Bounded Belief Revision. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2021-19: Wehr, Dominik (2021) An Abstract Framework for the Analysis of Cyclic Derivations. [Report]

X-2021-01: Wehr, Dominik (2021) Aczel's Type-Theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory. [Report]

MoL-2023-09: Weigert, Patrick (2023) A Program Calculus for Dynamical Systems. [Report]

MoL-2024-02: Weijland, Elynn Louise (2024) An Analysis of Visual and Morphosyntactic Cues in Biased Polar Questions in Dutch. [Report]

MoL-2022-29: Weststeijn, Nikki (2022) The Relation Between Shannon Information and Semantic Information. [Report]

MoL-2014-22: Wijnholds, Gijs (2014) Categorical Foundations for Extended Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning. [Report]

MoL-2023-21: Wildenburg, Franciscus Cornelis Lambertus (2023) Investigations into Semantic Underspecification in Language Models. [Report]

DS-2022-07: Witteveen, Freek Gerrit (2022) Quantum information theory and many-body physics. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

DS-2009-05: Witzel, Andreas (2009) Knowledge and Games: Theory and Implementation. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

DS-2023-12: Wontner, Ned J.H. (2023) Views From a Peak: Generalisations and Descriptive Set Theory. Doctoral thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

PP-2009-31: Wybraniec-Skardowska, Urszula (2009) Polish Logic, a few lines from a personal perspective. [Report]


MoL-2018-35: Xing, Yujie (2018) Examining Personality Differences in Chit-Chat Sequence to Sequence Conversational Agents. [Report]

MoL-2013-28: Xue, YunQi (2013) Towards Closed-World Reasoning in Games - Ultimatum Game Revisited. [Report]


PP-2006-02: Yamada, Tomoyuki (2006) Acts of Commanding and Changing Obligations. [Report]

DS-2023-06: Yan, Jialiang (2023) Monotonicity in Intensional Contexts: Weakening and Pragmatic Effects under Modals and Attitudes. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2014-08: Yarandi, Seyed Mohammad (2014) Proper Names and Propositional Attitudes. [Report]

MoL-2024-05: Ye, Lingyuan (2024) Algebraic Monoidal Model Categories and Path Category Structures for Effective Kan Fibrations. [Report]

MoL-2019-10: Young Pedersen, Mina (2019) Polarization and Echo Chambers: A Logical Analysis of Balance and Triadic Closure in Social Networks. [Report]


DS-1994-06: Zambella, Domenico (1994) Chapters on Bounded Arithmetic and on Provability Logic. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2019-07: Zamperlin, Nicolò (2019) Intensional Kleene logics for vagueness. [Report]

MoL-2021-01: Zenger, Lukas (2021) Proof theory for fragments of the modal mu-calculus. [Report]

MoL-2015-15: Zhai, Fangzhou (2015) Toward Probabilistic Natural Logic for Syllogistic Reasoning. [Report]

MoL-2022-23: Zhang, Tianwei (2022) Bisimulations over Parity Formulas. [Report]

PP-2007-25: Zhang, Jialong and Liu, Fenrong (2007) Some Thoughts on Mohist Logic. [Report]

MoL-2017-18: Zhao, Bonan (2017) Dynamic Epistemic Logic Models for Predicting the Cognitive Difficulty of the Deductive Mastermind Game. [Report]

MoL-2019-13: Zhao, Zhuoye (2019) Varieties of Distributivity: From Mandarin Dou to Plurality, Free Choice and Scalarity. [Report]

DS-2015-03: Zhong, Shengyang (2015) Orthogonality and Quantum Geometry: Towards a Relational Reconstruction of Quantum Theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

X-2014-02: Zhong, Shengyang (2014) Definability in Quantum Kripke Frames. [Report]

MoL-2015-09: Zou, Tingxiang (2015) Filtered Order-partial Combinatory Algebras and Classical Realizability. [Report]

DS-2010-02: Zvesper, Jonathan (2010) Playing with Information. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam.

MoL-2015-29: Zwart, Maaike Annebeth (2015) Sheaf Models for Intuitionistic Non-Standard Arithmetic. [Report]


PP-2022-01: Özgün, Aybüke and Schoonen, Tom (2022) The Logical Development of Pretense Imagination. [Pre-print]

MoL-2013-13: Özgün, Aybüke (2013) Topological Models for Belief and Belief Revision. [Report]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 00:30:13 2025 CET.